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I like that Ellen was kind to Kevin Hart. I do find it interesting that she thinks she gets to decide when we have to give people second chances or not. 

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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I don't see Kevin Hart as a good fit for the Oscars.  


I do like him, but a little bit goes a long way.


Maybe The Rock can step in and host this year. 

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I don't know what is going on here but is he the guy from King of Queens?  If so, what did he do to ****** off the Academy?


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@Bridgegal You are thinking of Kevin James, who stars in King of Queens. Heart

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@Nancy Drew wrote:

I like that Ellen was kind to Kevin Hart. I do find it interesting that she thinks she gets to decide when we have to give people second chances or not. 

Wasn't she just expressing an opinion?

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Only saw it in a short clip.

Still no host is what they keep saying.

Maybe they'll give him the job and Ellen will get the credit.

I won't watch anyway.

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@World Traveler  ... and Kevin James is a truly funny comic!

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Maybe it would be better for Kevin Hart if he didn't take the re offer.   Would Ellen take the an offer to host after all the flak she is getting for this?

Maybe Kathy Griffin should host?

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As much as I agree with her approach (I think it's high time to stop sitting in judgement of one another), my belief is totally staged to test the waters and see if redemption is in the offing.

Can you imagine the ratings if he did come back? So can the Academy. Everyone will be sitting there with their Twitter app the day of the show just waiting to blow social media up.
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My first thought was that the Academy put her up to it.

Wasn't she a host once?

I seem to recall she was a very good host.