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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

I applaud her for putting her kids first.  Wise decision on her part.  Smiley Happy 

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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

@ROMARY wrote:

My Fox watching friends have been wondering why she hasn't occasionally been on air.......

Now you can tell them!Smiley Happy

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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

I never watch Fox News but I never cared for her at all.

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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

LuckyCharm:  Yes, I made a couple of phone calls!..........(cheerful wink, not sarcastic).

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

She's one of the most obnoxious people I've ever seen.    Can't stand her.

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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

She's one of the most obnoxious people I've ever seen.    Can't stand her.




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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

I hope they bring in a new person to take her spot.....instead of just bringing in another one of the many ladies that are on the channel. They seem to rotate in and out so often they all look the same.

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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

The ratings will probably take a hit, but I wish her well.  A friend works at Fox, and they have nothing but nice things to say about her.

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“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.
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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

From the story I read, it "sounded" like code for, see ya later toots!

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Re: Elizabeth Hasseibeck leaving Fox News

No. I would never watch Fox.