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Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!




Just something light and maybe interesting.


Long article about the how's and why's of earworms
and this and other ways to stop them,
you can read if you click on this link:



"It's almost "song of the summer" time. Whether that belongs to Taylor Swift ("Style"), Britney Spears ("Pretty Girls") or someone else, one thing's clear, you won't be able to avoid it. It will get relentlessly stuck in your head.



A new study offers hope for those earworms.



A simple sliver of gum may banish those irritating scraps of music that embed themselves in our brains, British researchers found.



A series of experiments revealed when people chewed gum right after listening to an especially catchy tune, they were less likely to be plagued by the pesky piece of music, according to the study published this week in The Journal of Experimental Psychology.



"The study was based on the idea that there is an overlap between the memory systems responsible for recalling speech and music and those systems responsible for actually producing speech and music," says C. Philip Beaman, the study's lead author and an associate professor of cognitive science at the Centre for Cognition Research and the School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading, U.K.



"There is evidence that vigorous chewing both interferes with memory for speech and makes imagining tunes, specifically pitch and melody, more difficult and less vivid."



"I think chewing anything should work provided you do it vigorously and it provides some resistance and it isn't anything that just dissolves in your mouth," Beaman says.


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Re: Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!

Cool ! I'm gonna try that !!!

Thanks !
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Re: Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!

The problem is,when you hear a song, you may not even like it, and you have no idea that it is going to come back and haunt you and take up residence in your brain.  I guess we should carry cases of gum around with us so we can pop a piece everytime we hear music - just in case!  Interesting theory though!  I wonder if the study was funded by Wrigley?



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Re: Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!

[ Edited ]

there is never a time when there's not a song in my head-it's very annoying at times............

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Re: Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!

I wonder if there are some implications here for students who chomp gum right after a lesson.  Lots of vocabulary, grammar, and literary elements are reinforced through music.  I know some math teachers who use music in their classrooms.  Could gum chewing impact learning?  Hmmm.


Must admit when I read the thread title, I wondered what an earworm was and thought eeeewwwwww!  This wasn't as bad as I feared.  Smiley Happy



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Re: Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!

I am going to need a lot of gum because Uptown Funk has taken up permanent residence in my head! Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!

@Pqfan wrote:

I am going to need a lot of gum because Uptown Funk has taken up permanent residence in my head! Smiley Very Happy

And now it is stuck in mine! Hot dang!

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Re: Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!




And i thought someone had a live worm in their ear!!

Smiley Surprised

 Laugh was on me..better then my horrible!!


preds 06-21-20
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Re: Earworm? This one simple trick will get rid of it!

@wildcat fan wrote:

I wonder if there are some implications here for students who chomp gum right after a lesson.  Lots of vocabulary, grammar, and literary elements are reinforced through music.  I know some math teachers who use music in their classrooms.  Could gum chewing impact learning?  Hmmm.


Must admit when I read the thread title, I wondered what an earworm was and thought eeeewwwwww!  This wasn't as bad as I feared.  Smiley Happy






Interesting question @wildcat fan.


Oops sorry if we all get earworms now!




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