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@JudyL @dimin I realize the magnitude is important, but the location and depth also make a difference in how people feel them.   Glad you are both safe.  Hopefully, there were no injuries or damage for folks.

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It is scary. I hope you are calm now and that everything is ok where you are.


10 years ago, there was a 5.9 in VA that we felt up here in PA. I knew exactly what it was when it hit. People in my office were freaking out as they had never experienced one before. Seriously, the only reason that I knew what it was is because I had been on the Earthquake silmuation ride in Universal Studios Florida. The way the floor shook and swayed felt exactly like the simulated ride.


Take care and I hope you get some rest tonight.  




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I can't find any news on this, are they so frequent they just don't get reported nationwide anymore?

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I've lived here 64 years. Everyone is surprised at the downgrade. I never heard a quake have a big bang like an explosion. Then there were sharp jolts.  My friend heard it on the phone from northern ca. .I was right at the epicenter and it was about 6 miles deep. 


I was talking to the same friend during this quake as the 89 earthquake but at that time she had my kids because she did childcare and I was leaving work early that day. Lucky I did. 

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@dimin   I DO NOT miss the earthquakes.  I moved to CA and 2 weeks later the 7.1 hit.  I was in San Francisco in South Beach a new area being development and living in an apt.  That night the aftershock hit in the 6.0 range and I started crying.  It really was intense.  Where do you go?  The ground is moving beneath you.  In the 4-1/2 years I lived in SF there were earthquakes almost all the time.  I knew if it was a 4.2 or 5.3.  ONe morning we had 2 earthquakes about one minute apart.  It seems SF has more earthquakes than LA.  

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I just found the website that shows you how many earthquakes today, how strong they were and location.


Today was all the way from Mexico to Alaska, even Hawaii had some.


That's just crazy, I don't think the warm sunshine 365/yr could entice me to move.

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I am probably on nerves anyway after what happened in Florida.

When I go to SF I always fear earthquakes around the tall buildings. I work in one of those buildings now too. When I took the job I said to myself, and whoever was listening, please let me be safe for three years until I retire. I guess I was because of telework. I would have been on BART.  I never thought of that until now. I'm grateful. 

We're starting back to work soon though.

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@dimin wrote:

My heart is still pounding. There was a big loud noise and jolts. It felt like more than 4.1 but I live near the epicenter in Oakland Ca area. 

@dimin  I know how you feel.  I lived in the East Bay just past Oakland when the 6.9  one hit. I was at work  when it hit.  Picked up phone called DD to make sure she was home from HS and safe.  She answered and was OK and the phones went dead. We lost parts of the Bay Bridge.  The World Series was about to start so the quake was broadcast as it was happening.  I don't know which is worse a rolling quake or a shaking one.  They are so scary.   DS lives in SO Cal and has been through them also. Glad your safe.

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@FlyersGirl I felt that same earthquake from VA  myself;  up here in NYC. I was sitting on my couch and felt dizzy. I grabbed onto the back of the couch and as I looked across the room; it looked like the beam in my living room was buckling!  I thought my building (a high rise) was falling down. My sister in law dove off the chair and ran for the door. I told her to stay in the apartment when I realized it was an earthquake. So @dimin I can only imagine what you felt like tonight. I'm glad you are safe. I didn't hear about this, only from your report. Be Safe.

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Re: Earthquake!

[ Edited ]

@Just Bling wrote:

I can't find any news on this, are they so frequent they just don't get reported nationwide anymore?




@Just Bling 




The news isn't going to report on every little quake, and most of them are small. The earth is made up of plates, that move and grind against each other. When they suddenly slip, that's what we know as an earthquake.


Not all slips are big.


Most are small. Too small to even be felt.



I live in what's called the Triple Junction. That's where three plates converge. The Pacific Plate, The North American Plate, and the Gorda Plate. We are in what's called The Ring of Fire. We have rolling quakes and thrust quakes. Rolling quakes feel different from thrust quakes.


Yes, earthquakes happen every day, but most are too small to even be felt.


I live in the very northern tip of the San Andreas Fault, where it veres off in to the Pacific Ocean.


So no, the news isn't going to report on every earthquake, unless it's above a 5.0.




The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.