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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

Its hard to believe that Megan didn't have anything to do with the HUGE rift between Harry and the Royal family. I wonder if she would be welcome there. Diana had her issues with the Royal family, but she didn't divide them. 

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@Cakers3 wrote:

I'm wondering why it is a "slap in the face" to the Queen and the "Royals" if they spend Christmas in the USA.  Considering Meghan's mom is here so would her face be slapped if they spend Christmas with the Queen??


I also find it amusing that the "royals", with all their uber dollars get a pass but a CEO here is deemed a greedy monster working his/her employees to the death and paying minimal taxes.


The "royals" are becoming outdated; decisions have been made and those decisions have no influence on any of us.


And yes, all comments are relative.  When the door is opened about Harry or Meghan or any of them-all bets are off. 


Y'all know this.


Threads a fluid and unfortunately when it comes to H&M, the fluidity usually contains muck and contamination.








Very well stated!   Woman LOL

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

? I don't think Gabrielle D assumed that at all.

By the way, it only takes ONE question mark to pose a question. Three still means it is the same question.
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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

Honestly, I don't think of the queen as a homey, cuddle-y kind of *grammy*. 


At least she wasn't that kind of mother--was she? 


I mean maybe now that she has lessened her public duties that she's made a priority for the past 70 plus years--she has the time for *them*.


It's not like Harry was hired for the title he was bestowed.  He was born into it.  No choice at birth.  Now he has decided not to be what he was born into.  


So now he's learning the royal protocol of how to get out of it. 


How much of a *snit* can she (the queen) be in? 


He shouldn't have trouble walking away from the riches of the royal family, if he doesn't want to be a part of it.


He and Mehgan can work and earn their own living. 


Heck, I have the life I want, it wasn't that hard!

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

To suffer the death of a Grandparent is a loss, regardless, not something to be brushed aside especially when having a close relationship.  Expected is a word that does not compute when emotions are involved especially when it's family.  Most of us wish for a little bit more time with those we love be it a day, a week, an hour......


I feel Harry will suffer this loss, greatly and have deep regret of his treatment of his Grandparents..............his Grandmother in particular.


How callous is the word expected when used in the context of the loss of a loved one.

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@suzieQ3. She asked WHO not which political party.
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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@Pearlee wrote:
@suzieQ3. She asked WHO not which political party.

@Pearlee, my sincere apologizes for the C/P that included a letter.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

To my knowledge (and I could be wrong) no one on these forums knows this couple personally.  (Or the other "celebrities" whose names have been mentioned.)


I will never understand the vitriol aimed at them or the imputed motives behind everything they say or do.  How could anyone possibly know, for a fact, what those motives are?


The only information out there is what's printed or shown by public media, all of which has a vested interest in publishing stories.


And yet, people "know" what their motives are; they "know" who's calling the shots.  They "know" why they make every move ("it's a tax scam").


Maybe they're just a couple trying to live their lives the best way they see fit for themselves.  And last I knew, Meghan is an American citizen - so she has a Constitutional right to voice an opinion.  (The U.S. Representative should be ashamed of himself.)


I wonder how many posters here would like to be judged and found guilty in the same way they are doing to this couple.  And, sorry, folks - no chance to set the record straight, because we won't believe you anyway.  We "know" the truth!


Lastly, the comments about "everyone" (either over there or here) dislikes them.  Facts and numbers please, to back that up.  I dislike sweeping generalizations.

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

One last comment:  the general tenor of this thread was so predictable.


(I am surprised though that anyone who works for the Queen would be divulging plans being made to anyone outside the Royal household - even family.  A sure way to lose a job, if that were known.)

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

I'm not surprised there are leaks within the royal household. They've had them for years and it seems some were done by the request of members of royal family.