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When you let someone go in front of you or show some other small courtesy and they don't acknowledge it.


When you're kind of expecting that car to pull out in front of you, but they don't... they wait until you get closer and closer and then they pull out.

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Turn signals.  I wish people would begin using those signals. I hate having to guess what will try to do.



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We don't have the situation you do.  When we back out of our garage we have enough space to enable us to turn the car and go forward down the remainder of the driveway.


Please know, I meant no offense.  I understand many people have narrow driveways ard there is no other alternative but to back out.  I oftened encountered this when driving to work, I always felt so sorry for them having to back out onto a busy highway.

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People who do not stop at a stop sign, and if they do, they are already halfway into the intersection.  Worse yet, those who have a red light and think everyone should just sit and wait for them to go through.  

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I hate tailgaters!!  Especially when you're driving in a residential area and you're going 5 mph over the required speed limit and they're still up your back bumper!


Also, don't like it when people back out of parking spaces at supermarkets or malls while barely turning their heads to see if anyone is walking behind them. And they don't back out slowly!


Then there's the people who, yes, DO use their blinkers but leave them on and you're supposed to guess what they are doing!



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Re: Driving Pet Peeves

[ Edited ]

People on their cell phones who do dumb things that cause a near-collision are the most maddening.  If you're going to take the risk of using your cell phone in the car, you'd better not cause a collision.  And if you're sitting at a light looking at your cell phone, and I'm behind you and I have to beep my horn to wake you from your trance so that we can make the light, don't flip me off.


People who don't understand that the rules for passing a parked car are the same as passing a moving car also bug me.  If it's a two-lane street, and my lane is on the side of the street where there are no cars parked, oncoming traffic doesn't get to drive out in front of me just because they got to the parked car a second or two before I did.  When there's a parked care on my side of the street, I wait for all oncoming traffic to pass instead of heading into their lane as if I have the right of way.  I've actually had people flip me off for not "letting them have their turn" when they don't have the right of way.  Sorry, not sorry.  Learn the traffic laws.


Oh, and there is a red light near my house that people often skip through after a quick pause.  I guess they think that, because they don't agree with the light being there, they have a right to run it.  I don't feel like it's a huge deal if no one else is in the area and it's keeping them from getting through the next light, which is about 10 feet away, but I wouldn't want to receive a ticket for doing something like that.  The light is obviously there because a need arose for one to be there.  I highly doubt that the city put it there just for kicks, but people treat it like it's unjust and oppressive. 


This is not exactly a driving pet peeve, but I cannot stand it when people are too lazy to put their shopping cart in the cart corral.  They figure that their shopping experience is over, so they are leaving, and who cares if a wayward cart damages someone else's car.  Their time is more precious than everyone else's, so they cannot be bothered to protect others from their carelessness.  I cannot tell you how many times I've had cars scratched, scuffed or dinged because of these lazy and self-centered people who will not take the time to walk 10 or 15 feet to the next cart corral.  I'm not talking about disabled people either.  I understand why there are carts sitting around near the handicapped spaces, and I always grab one of those on my way in.  I'm talking about able-bodied adult people who are selfish and don't care if they cause property damage.  That is one of my biggest pet peeves.


Reminds me of being at Subway yesterday.  This guy was in there with his young son, and he ordered subs for himself and his son, and one extra.  The kid making the subs asked if it was okay if he didn't stir the sauce into the meat on the extra sub (it was close to closing time, they had pulled all the prep utencils, and the kid making the subs didn't want to go to the back of the store to get a spoon).  The guy replied that he didn't care because it wasn't his sub.  What a great lesson to teach your 9 or 10-year-old son: if it doesn't affect you directly, it doesn't matter.  Smiley Frustrated

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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@Shanus wrote:

.....when someone gets in their car in a very crowded parking lot, sees other people waiting in line for their space & they sit there to talk on the phone or text friends....with the engine running so they can still have a/c!!!


@Shanus  Really?  I'd rather people talk and text in a parking lot than do it while driving.  If I don't get their space, I'm no worse off than I would've been if they were still in the store.


Spaces are first come first served.  I consider it rude when I'm in a space and people are trying to hurry me out of it, and I don't try to hurry other people out of the spaces they got to before me.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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@beach-mom wrote:

I drive on a three-lane expressway. Near home the farthest lane on the right goes to "Right Turn Only." I sit in traffic sometimes for a mile. The center and far left lanes creep along. Inevitably some thoughtless drivers will come speeding up the right hand lane, and then have to merge into the center lane at the exit, which holds everyone else up! Same thing with construction - you are waiting your turn, and someone doesn't pay attention to the signs and goes around everyone else! Smiley Mad


Parking lots: People who don't return shopping carts and leave them in the middle of a space, especially when there is a cart return right there! My car has been damaged in the past by someone who actually pushed her cart away from her into the side of my car. I had just parked. When I got out and said something, she replied, as she was getting into her car, "Well, we can't all be perfect." And she drove away! Smiley Mad

@beach-mom  Ugh!!  I posted about this before I read your reply.


I once witnessed someone banging their car door into my car.  She was one of a group of teenagers, but I was a teen myself, so I didn't see that as a mitigating factor.  I was like, "you just banged your car door into my car."  She said that no, she didn't.  I said, "I just [expletive] saw you do it."  Then her friends started yelling at me.  It probably wasn't the safest thing for me to do, but I was 19 years old and had just purchased a car with my own money for the first time.


"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Mine is most definitely the person talking on their phone and just poking along! It is kind of like "Get off your ____ phone and just get out of the way!!!". 

-Texas Hill Country-
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I have been driving for over 40 years and  a few of my pet peeves are,

Texting while driving

Parking in handicapped spots

Those that cut you off and 

No turn signals used

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