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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

Doris Day was before my time, but I love all her old movies that I watch on AMC channel.  And she is also an animal lover too!  Today is also my moms birthday in heaven.  She would be 83 today,  Happy Birthday Mom and Doris Day!  

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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

Such a nice thread, @cimeranrose.  It's great seeing all the love for fabulous, multi-talented, generous and compassionate Doris Day.  Despite a tumultuous life, she has conducted herself with dignity and grace.

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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

Always have loved Doris Day .. unfortunately she and Kirk Douglas

are about the only big stars from the old days we have left ....


She was just so darn cute ....

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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

Oznell .. correct me if I am missing someone .....

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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

I have a copy of a "Touch Of Mink" with Cary Grant, I think I will watch tonight and celebrate with her.  She is a dear.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

Watching ' Love Me Or Leave Me ' .. on now ..with James Cagney .....


Oh that voice .....

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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

That Touch of Mink, Move Over, Darling, and Send Me No Flowers, my favorites, and my very favorite, The Thrill of it All, have the dvds and still watch.  By Moonlight Bay and By the Light of the Silvery Moon, and on and on.


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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

You are right @spiderw, she should have won an Oscar a long time ago! (I think she should have won an oscar for "Love Me or Leave Me" which is on now.

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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

Yes @StylishLady, she wore clothes so well. She was beautiful both inside and out.

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Re: Doris Day turns 96 today!

Doris Day has a great singing voice, love her movies, and she has such a heart for animals too.....




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Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”