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Besides helping homeless on the street, I donate to 2 things.  My church and Dr Susan Love Research Found. and our local cat rescue.  I have scoured where the money goes.  I have even been to the foundation headquarters.  I would never donate to many huge foundation charities.  The money goes for saleries, and promotions.

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I do not know if you are familiar with small towns, they have volunteer fire departments that are always in need of donations.


Take care of yourself so you can take care of others ~ sunshine&rainbows

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I agree with you they will keep doing that

take the "bill" and write in BIG letters "please remove me from mailing list please" and send it back to them.

I did this when my mother died with all of her junk mail


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Hopefully, she's not sending CASH - as it will NEVER reach the right people. I would only donate to a charity that's close to ur home - and actually go over there to see that they are legitimate. Sooooo many SCAMMERS. 

Usually, it's a boiling room operation making the calls. It could also be an individual pretending to be from the organization.

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Re: Donating To Charities

[ Edited ]

I am a 20+ year employee of one of the national charities named in this thread. Here is how donor names are exchanged. 


The charity that buys the list of potential donor names doesn't actually get the name and address of the donor.  Charity ABC sells their list to a direct mail company, Charity XYZ 'rents' the mailing list based on the target demographic they want to solicit. The mailing lists are from magazine subscriptions and other charities. Charity XYZ sends their solicitation materials to the mailing house, the mailing house mails to the list of donors, and if you respond by making a gift, that is the first time the charity sees your name. They don't even have you in their database until you respond.


The trick is to get off the direct mail list. That is where your name is stored. Charities don't want to waste their time soliciting you if you don't want to hear from them. Go to this website and get your name off the list. That will eliminate a portion of the unsolicted appeals. Once you make a gift, though, you are in their sights.


Many large charities use reputable direct mail organizations who are part of this National Direct Mail Association. Many charities buy but never sell their donor names, by the way. My employer is one such charity that never shares or sells names.






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St. Jude's called me yesterday and asked if I could UP my monthly donation.


They guy acknowledged the amount we have automatically deducted.


I was taken back and a little insulted, tbh.


When I agreed to the monthly, they asked if I would also give an addtional amount for monthly parties for the children. 


Honestly, I'd rather every dollar donated go to the child's care, research, and healthcare workers (drs, nurses, staff), but I obliged. 


I still receive solicitations from St. Jude's, an envelope arrived earlier this week with address labels.


I told the gentleman I would send a donation through the mail, but not commit to any more.

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I donate to St Jude's and the Heart Association several times a year.  But, I also make hats for the babies and chemo patients at PCH and locally.

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St. Jude's really can get annoying. I gave bi-weekly one time payroll deduction and my aunt was collecting for her Cancer I gave her a check made out to St. Jude's.


So awhile later I get a letter from them stating "it has been awhile since we have received a check from you, lets hope no child  in your family get cancer.."...I was really upset with that letter. How dare they!! If they had cross referenced they would of noticed I was still giving and QUITE GENEROUSLY AT THAT!!


I since then have made a bi-annual contribution but they didn't like that..they then sent me PRE-PRINTED Withdrawal slips for them to use MONTHLY..they took the information off of my check and made these out!  They wanted my signature! OMG..

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I also believe the PBA sold my I received no solicitations until my son so generously answered my phone and when they asked if I would be willing to donate he so nicely agreed lol..When the plea came in the mail - I did send it in and that is all it took.. I was overwhelmed with every call from every place..and they come up on the Caller Breast Cancer, Children's Cancer - etc.. Then when they called back for more the PBA was literally downright rude and nasty that I would not give them a CC or Debit Car #..and they promised to delete it from their system but they want the cash then as people promise to send in a check and never do..I stopped donating after that harassing call but it certainly has not stopped the non stop calls.


Up to the lovely PBA initial call - I was never overwhelmed like that - I always put down a false # on things just for that reason!

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There was a report awhile back on how much certain ceo's of some of these charity organizations made per year. It was very eye opening. We just give to a few local charities now.