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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Yes.  Power is Probably the worst thing to go out. When it does I do not know what to do with life comes to a standstill. I usually wrap myself into a blanket and just sit and wait for the lights to come on....or go to bed. The longest we had it out for was about 4 days after a huge wind/ ice storm. It was cold and I was miserable. I just do not function as a human without my creature comforts. 



Really? Seriously?


Things to when when the power is out:


read a book, magazine, newspaper


play boardgames


play card games


put together a jig saw puzzle


do crossword, sudoku, word search


sweep and/or mop the floors


have a conversation with someone


organize something






if one puts their mind to it, there is always something that can be done to pass the time while the power is out.

We did tons and tons of Monopoly with our young son who was just learing to do math in the first grade.  So I guess there can be an upside if you look for it.

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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

A couple of years ago our power would constantly go off.  I'm talking three or four times a week in all kinds of weather ~ good and bad.  The last time it went out I remember was a Friday and it was almost 100 degrees that day.  That was it.  We had a whole-house automatic generator put in and of course, now the outages are practically none, lol.  We have a pond out back with koi in it so I am grateful knowing that if the power should go out all equipment to keep the fish healthy will continue running.   

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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Yes.  Power is Probably the worst thing to go out. When it does I do not know what to do with life comes to a standstill. I usually wrap myself into a blanket and just sit and wait for the lights to come on....or go to bed. The longest we had it out for was about 4 days after a huge wind/ ice storm. It was cold and I was miserable. I just do not function as a human without my creature comforts. 



Really? Seriously?


Things to when when the power is out:


read a book, magazine, newspaper


play boardgames


play card games


put together a jig saw puzzle


do crossword, sudoku, word search


sweep and/or mop the floors


have a conversation with someone


organize something






if one puts their mind to it, there is always something that can be done to pass the time while the power is out.

      And you can do these things at night when it's pitch dark how?    We've had ours go out at night and can't see to get to the big flashlight.  Now I have one fake candle on a timer every night from 5-11 just in case.  Still not enough light to do much of anything at all.  


Ours went out yesterday afternoon.  Bright sunny day with no wind.  We live in a fairly new development and it does this frequently.  Our lines are underground and it will stay off from a few seconds to a minute or two.  No idea what causes such a short outage on a beautiful day.

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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

We have been fortunate that our power has never gone out.  We have lived in this home since 1988.  All of our lines are under ground... maybe that makes a difference.


Our water goes off occasionally, and never at a good time.  It sometimes is off for hours with no warning.

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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

yes, you can still play those games or read at night when the lights go out. i even have a portable tv that runs on a battery. i have two batteries and each battery gives at least two hours of watch time.


this is why qvc sells all of those FLASHLIGHTS! lol, i have the smaller ones in every room of the house and some of the larger ones sit in cabinets or drawers until needed. i am a proud flashlight buyer, even though i know that everyone usually makes fun of the presentations. LOL

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

Happened in July during a thunder storm.  Was watching the movie "Brooklyn," and just as the climax was approaching, zap.  Everything went dark.  Only lasted about an hour, so I waited up and watched the rest of the movie on HBO W.

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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

One time, long ago, the power went out. I had to be somewhere, can't remember where exactly. I freaked out because my car was in the garage and the door-opener wouldn't work because it's electric.Smiley Surprised I had to call the people I was suppose to meet and tell them I couldn't make it. I didn't tell them why, just couldn't come was all I said. 


That hasn't happened since and it wasn't until years later when I had a new garage door opener installed that I learned about what  that weird bar on my garage door with a handle  was for. LOL!Woman LOL

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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Yes.  Power is Probably the worst thing to go out. When it does I do not know what to do with life comes to a standstill. I usually wrap myself into a blanket and just sit and wait for the lights to come on....or go to bed. The longest we had it out for was about 4 days after a huge wind/ ice storm. It was cold and I was miserable. I just do not function as a human without my creature comforts. 



Really? Seriously?


Things to when when the power is out:


read a book, magazine, newspaper


play boardgames


play card games


put together a jig saw puzzle


do crossword, sudoku, word search


sweep and/or mop the floors


have a conversation with someone


organize something






if one puts their mind to it, there is always something that can be done to pass the time while the power is out.

@Plaid Pants2  The question is what would "I" do if the power goes out.....not what would YOU do.  I do not want to do any of the above listed things when the power goes out....  let alone when the power is on. You do what you want to do.....leave me to my blanket and bed.  This is my life, right?  


Say, how is the no smoking going for you? You made a huge deal about it a while back....then left the thread never to return. Are you smoke free? Just curious.......  odd that you never returned to the thread when so many people were wishing you well.....kind of hurt a lot of feelings. 

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Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?


While power has improved so much in the years we have lived here, we still get a few outages.  Found having some heavy-duty camping-style lanterns helps a lot.  They are bright enough that one can read, play games or socialize.  Also, there is a hat  (available here at QVC)  the hat has lights on the brim that helps navigate dark passages.     Miss warm showers/baths and fresh coffee if the power is out for more than a day.  Wish you the best and stay warm and happy.


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Posts: 20,648
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Don't you just hate it when the power goes out?

[ Edited ]

Ok, I'll try this again.  I just posted it in this thread but it moved to the Halloween thread.   Cue Twilight Zone theme - 


Years ago I got these really great battery-operated lanterns that I love.


They use a whole bunch of 'D batteries', but you don't burn off much battery power in the course of a short or short-ish outage.


BUT, the one thing I did learn at some point is that you don't want to store the batteries inside the lanterns when they are seldom used.  This, I found, created that battery corrosion kind of thing that happens when something isn't used often but stored with batteries inside.  


So, what I do is to remove them and put the lanterns each into a bag along with its batteries.  Takes 10 seconds to put them in and you're off to the races.  Smiley Happy