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Re: Don't hate me because......

I stopped sending about 3 years ago. Number of cards I was receiving began dwindling too. If I get one from a long lost relative or friend I may go buy one specifically for someone but otherwise don't bother.

Your post is a reminder that I must be officially old now too cuz I don't buy Christmas gifts either! Our family used to do this - we set a limit on cost of gifts and everyone ended buying gift cards for each other. So now we take turns hosting a family dinner for everyone instead. I have 3 lifelong friends I see and travel with often and we also decided against gift exchange and meet for dinner and drinks after the holidays are over. It's made life so much easier!

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Re: Don't hate me because......

We don't send them much anymore and I miss that. Getting them. Not to put a downer on it, but I'd wait to address them. Things happen. Just saying...

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Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Re: Don't hate me because......

On 11/6/2014 mewsmomtoo said:

I won't hate you as long as you don't tell me you made the cards too!

I thought that too. LOL

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Re: Don't hate me because......

Good for you! You've inspired me to work on mine.

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Don't hate me because......

I love Christmas cards! Truthfully, I am OCD when it comes to Christmas cards. I easily have a thousand cards in my desk drawer, and am itching to get started addressing them. I order half price cards immediately after Christmas each year, but then ordered more cards recently that were reduced, with free shipping. I cannot just send the same card to everyone on my list; I like a variety of cards and am partial to those with trees, wreaths, holly, lighthouses, a church, or snowy country scenes, which is why I "need" so many cards. I also furnish, and address all the cards for my mother, and am picking up her list today in order to knock hers out this weekend. I will continue to send Christmas cards as long as I have family and friends to send them to.