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Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

A 32 year old woman texting and taking selfies drives headfirst into another car and dies...

She texted her friend that the song "Happy" made her really happy.

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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

And one the other day had just finished texting, crashed and died.

I don't know what more we can say to people to get them NOT to do things like that.

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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

Well I guess she died happy. I hope she didn't kill anyone else, someone with sense and a functioning brain.

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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

Much better!

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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

All I could think about when I heard this story this morning....was that song by Alanis Morissette, "Ironic".

It was reported this gal's Facebook profile is littered w/ selfies & FB updates while she was driving, so the odds were against her. Thank god no one else was killed due to her moronic ways.

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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

I was happy to read that the man in the truck she hit head on was not injured. It's usually the other way around.

I would like for all texting drivers to crash into something and not hurt anyone else. Only themselves and their own vehicle. I don't wish them dead. I don't wish them severely injured; but I do wish them seriously shaken up. And I do mean ALL of them.

I read the article and must have missed where it said anything about taking selfies. Just texting. Stupid enough.

edited to add, I read further and do see where she had been posting selfies too. Dumb as a door nail.

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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

Oh come on ....... how STUPID can people be?

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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

Unintentional suicide. Fortunately she was the only victim.
Keepin' it real.
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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

I don't think people stop and think about what can happen when you drive and text. You take your eyes off the road and it's a good chance that something is going to happen. That text in the article could have waited. It wasn't dire that it be sent right that minute. It is a very sad story, but could have been prevented. There is a woman in my city who lost her son while texting and driving and she goes to high schools and gives talks about it. She gives out bracelets as a reminder.
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Re: Don't drive while taking selfies...sad story

So tragically sad. I see people on phones all the time while DH and I are out and about driving. I actually have counted cars with people holding a phone and its 85% of people who are driving on their phones.

What is SO important people have to babble and play on these cells 24/7? I don't get it!

I have already yelled out the window for people to hang up and drive. (To my husbands embarrassment, but I don't care because Im sick of it. They swerve off the roads and don't pay attention!)

My oldest granddaughter is going to be driving this year, she just turned 16. I told her about the people on their cells and how a cellphone is not worth anyones life. She said to me, I know, I am not dumb I know to stay off the phone when I drive.

AND I said I KNOW you are NOT dumb, its the OTHER people in cars Im worried about!

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles