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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

On the other hand, I don't like posts that are obviously referring to a former post but don't quote it ( and sometimes don't even include the name of the first poster.) I have to go searching if I want to find that first post.


~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

[ Edited ]

The posts I skip are the ones in which a poster has felt the need to copy a bunch of previous replies and then post their own, making their reply waaay too long.


I don't see the need for this.  I can see maybe copying ONE response but copying more of them is just a waste of space IMO.


Sometimes a poster will go off track and post a long rambling post about his/her life or some experience and I just skip those.

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

What's confusing to me is when someone quotes the person to whom they are replying, but then posts their reply inside the quote.


I can't tell where the original post ends and the reply begins.



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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

I don't care.  

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

I care.


Truly. Madly. Deeply.

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

@suzyQ3   those are the posts that drive me crazy, so I just stop reading!  


When a poster refuses or doesn't know how to quote a specific poster or phrase from a poster to whom they are replying.  They go on to post 6 or 7 posts back to back to back, with no @ or quoted post so that someone can figure out who they're talking to.    


They could be responding to someone on the 2nd page, but here we are three days later, on the 16th page, and this new poster is carrying on as if in a vacuum. 

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

I never quote.  Quoting is toxic.


I speak to no one.


I speak to everyone.


I post for myself to say something. 


I view this as a posting board, most definitely not a "discussion " board,  as that does not exist here.

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This is a crazy board...LOL   There's nothing else like anywhere.  There are the threads that are 22 pages long with poster talking and arguing and bickering with each other.  And then there are the posts in which a tiny group of posters are just talking to each other and they ignore anyone else who posts.  It's obvious that this board is shrinking and QVC is letting it die a natural death.  QVC's  #we love QVC group on Facebook has pretty much replaced this board.  

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

There are a couple posters who post their reply ABOVE the quoted post, which is so annoying.  I stopped reading their posts.  Either they don't know that their reply belongs below the quote or they don't know how to properly reply to a quote.

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

Well as long as we're doing this lol... I don't understand why people quote the original post in their reply. I can see if it's a long thread that has gone off topic. But I've seen the very first reply quote a four- paragraph OP before responding.