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We were out of town for 3 days and came home to little ants in my kitchen.  So awful to have them around food.  Can't stand it. I want to try to get rid of them myself before calling pest people.  One way or another they GOT TO GO. Advice please please.

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I don't know about the product you listed but my last apt got them all the time.  I would spray with undiluted simple green or Mrs meyers all purpose cleaning spray.  Both killed instantly and they didn't come back (except every spring). Then I would re-clean with spray after wiping them up.


Good luck! They are so gross in the house, especially the kitchen!

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Yes, the liquid works, but it draws more ants!

I switched to the spray and it works well. Sometimes I need to spray more than once as my ants are relentless. 

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Re: Does Terro liquid work?

[ Edited ]

Follow the trail.     If it leads to a kitchen cabinet, there's something in there that they want.  You need to get rid of "the source" of their FOOD.   


Could be the ants are heading to a leaking can, sugar, flour, dried fruit, candy, etc.

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@HerRoyaLioness wrote:

Yes, the liquid works, but it draws more ants!

I switched to the spray and it works well. Sometimes I need to spray more than once as my ants are relentless. 

I agree!  Yes, it works.  I think it draws more ants for awhile once word gets out to the other ants and they all come get some and take it back home.  Then they're usually gone.  I prefer the Terro syrup because I can control where it is vs having the spray all over.

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My sister in PA. Just went through an ant crisis.  She said Terro was the only thing that worked.

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Good to know, thank you!

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For whatever reason, last year I had them big time coming out of the closet in my bathroom. A friend suggested Terro. It seemed like every ant in the house crammed itself in that container of liquid and I was gonna toss it, but forgot. The next day the container was there but the ants were gone they didn't come back.

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Works for me as well.  Only thing I use.

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@MoJoV   Absolutely yes!  Every year I get those little ants in my kitchen and my kitchen is clean....cause I know they will show up, it's like clockwork every year.  


I put out a couple of drops of TERRO on a piece of cardboard in several locations on the kitchen countertops and within 24 hours or so, ants are gone.  For me it's almost a miracle product.


The ants congretate on the terro drops and then travel back to the nest.....and then they are gone.  I might have to repeat a week or so later, but not always.