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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?


I have the complete DVD set of the TV soap Dark Shadows and still enjoy watching them!

I even listen to my cassettes on a walkman or radio,cd, and cassette player.

I am not giving up something I still find pleasure in and besides, the price is right.

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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

Oh yeah, we have hundreds.  I hate having 200 channels with nothing to watch.  

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“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.
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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

I have dvds but never watch them.

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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

@Ketra wrote:

@songbird Do you like Doc Martin as well?  That’s one of my favorite older British shows.



@Ketra  Look forward to Dr. Martin.....has the same unique creativity that House had.  We don't watch a lot of TV, but we record Dr. Martin.  (Don't you love the dog that keeps coming back!)

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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

@DiAnne wrote:

I don't own any DVDs but I rent them from Netflixs and check them out at the library.  

@DiAnne   Exactly the same for me.

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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

@gidgetgh   We have a carousel of 400 DVDs...that you can select to play.  We buy DVDs that interest us.  We just purchased Game of Thrones and are nightly watching the series.

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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

In anticipation of having grandkids, I bought several Disney classics but the grandkids didn’t materialize, so I quit.  


I now have the g-kids but they are more interested in the more current children’s programming available on Netflix and other cable channels.


I never wanted to spend the money to buy movies that I’d already seen at the theater.  

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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

@Ketra wrote:

@songbird wrote:

Yes.  I still do.  I have entire seasons of British TV.  I have the Midsomer Murders, Agaetha Christie, Endeavour, Inspector Lewis, etc.  Some movies, but mostly British mysteries.   Some comedy.  I just finished watching Fawlty Towers.  


It all started when I was recovering at home after my car accident.  I couldn't do much but sit around.  My husband hired a maid.  And he did the cooking. And I kind of sat there and read some.  Then my sister bought a DVD series of Piorot.  After that I started ordering more and more of them.  I was off work 6 month, so I watched a lot of them. 

@songbird Do you like Doc Martin as well?  That’s one of my favorite older British shows.

Yeah.  I have that series too.  It's hilarious.  It's an unusual show.  Nothing quite like it. 

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Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

Yes.  DH bought me the whole Downton Abbey series and I have a lots of childrens dvd's that I put in when there are children at my house.  I put Christmas music dvd's in on the holidays and once in a great while I play other music dvd's.  Most of the time I listen to music on my computer.  

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Registered: ‎05-09-2016

Re: Do you still own/watch dvd’s?

No. I probably have a couple of them buried deep in my entertainment unit, but I was never a DVD collector. I rented them from Netflix, but now I just stream whatever I want to watch. 

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