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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

@hckynutjohn wrote:



I worked as a cashier at the most popular drive-in restaurant in our city when I was 14. It was mandatory to put all paper money facing the same way/with heads facing the same direction/in the proper slot in the register/smoothed out.


I have not changed and my wife still wonders why I do this. I put the highest denomination in the back of my billfold and work towards the top in proper denominations. Same if I stick money in a roll in my pocket, largest bill on the bottom of the roll.




@fleetwood wrote:

Do you keep your dollar bills in order in your wallet? I do. Largest denomination down to the singles and I even have them facing the same way. Is that a little quirky or what? Smiley Wink   Am I alone on this?


No I do this.  Hanging my head in shame.

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

@gidgetgh wrote:
My first job out of college was as a bank teller and they taught us to keep the bills in order, face up, facing the same way (easier to count quickly) so that's what I've always done. Mine are always in order.

I worked in fast food and retail all during college, and our registers had better be in order, or we'd get written up. 


When I go to the banks these days, it is horrendous how the money is jumbled, backward and upside down when some of the tellers hand it to you. Very unprofessional, in my opinion.


Old habits are hard to break, and I can't stand to have money in my wallet or anywhere that isn't orderly.

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

Absolutely!  If I'm going out shopping or something where I'm in and out of my wallet a lot, I'll clean out my purse and resort my dollar bills that evening (even on vacay).  I always have $1.00's on top and $20.00's on bottom....all facing the same way!

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

No. I don't even keep bills in the proper part of my wallet.  I have a little zipper section on the back and I cram it in there.  I rarely carry a lot of cash though.


DH's wallet is all organized.   

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

[ Edited ]

i check and organize my wallet every evening. i like to make sure all of my cards are there and in their spots. i remove any change i may have received and put it in one of those banks that counts the money for you (qvc used to sell them and i bought a lot at one time for gifts). for cash, i have all of the bills with the faces foward, all in the same direction, i put them in order lowest to highest. i generally have at least $100 in my wallet at all times. if i dont, i replenish it. i also always try to have a nice variety of bills.

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

@Bird mama wrote:
Do you smell new money when you get it from the bank? I don't do it in front of the teller, but I will give new paper $ a sniff. There's something about the smell of new $

OK, now that is just weird. I do it too. Don't tell anybody.


I love the smell of new books too.

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

I do the same as the OP and it is the smallest to the largest denomination in my wallet.  So I always know which way to start in pulling out a $1.00 or bill or a $20.00. 

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

Yep!!..... but I am a perfectionist......Smiley Tongue

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

Yes, I do.  I keep my "folding money" in the proper compartment in my wallet, neatly lined up, bills facing in the same direction, largest denominations in the back, smaller denominations toward the front of the stack.


I heard Suzy Orman say one time that doing this shows respect for money and that people who keep their money in a neat and organized format are more likely to prosper and have healthy finances.  (That's not an exact quote, but captures the sense of what she said.)  I suspect there is some truth to this.

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Re: Do you keep your bills in order?

[ Edited ]

I keep my bills organized, smallest on top (ones), next fives, then tens and twenties.  I always make sure I have an adequate supply of each, whether it’s to pay for something or give a tip.  I would find it difficult to see what I need, or what I have, if I didn't keep it organized.