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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

I always put two rows of icicle lights on my front balcont - one on the black wrought iron railing and one right under the roof.


I haven't done it yet, but it's supposed to be in the 60s (in BUFFALO!) this I'll do it then and keep them up thru Jan. 7th.

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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

[ Edited ]

I haven't decorated for many years now and have no desire to do so, but I enjoy seeing it and what pleasure it gives others.


I say that if somebody wants to decorate, and even decorate to the hilt, GO for it!  Seriously.   I'm very happy not doing it but so what.  Some people just want to do a little or do a lot.  I think it's just whatever gives you pleasure is the right thing to do.


About the most I may do is put out my cute little reindeer and one or two other little 'seasonal' things.  I have some of those Hallmark things that play songs and move.  I put them out one year when Ru was still growing up and he seemed to love it.  Maybe I should dig them out again.  I keep them boxed up in their original boxes all year.  Smiley Happy


The closest thing i have to a good childhood memory is being in the car at night seeing all the colored lights go by.   I was always blind as a bat so I figured out that if I took my glasses off it turned into a beautiful blur of colors and it was like a whole new world.

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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

I decorate for only Christmas. One tree (6ft), my Woof & Poof angels and moose on the mantel, along with one very small nativity and two Christmas themed flameless candles and I'm done. And it all comes down on the 26th. 


The rest of the year, our house is "normal". This won't be popular with a lot of people but I wouldn't be handle the clutter that really doing it up "big" and decorating for other holidays and seasons brings. And I see it as clutter. I know I'm on the minority, but that's how I feel. 

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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

You're not alone, Gidget!  I don't like clutter either.  Clutter actually gives me anxiety.  Even when I decorated, back in the day, it was rather minimalist and just one area of one room.   But I don't begrudge others their decorating.  I think it's lovely in somebody else's house.  Smiley Happy    I don't have to dust it and put it all away.  hehe

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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

Not as much as I used to.  My children are married and out of town.  I will only get to see one this year and we don't usually have much other company.  With that said, I hate the process of decorating but I do enjoy it when it is done.  When I can't sleep I go downstairs and lay on the couch and turn on the tree and put some soft Christmas music on.  It doesn't help me get back to sleep but it is very soothing although sometimes it makes me sad.  Sometimes when I see all the families together it puts me in a funk. Holidays aren't what they used to be when the kids were home but I guess it is what you make of it. 

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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?





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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

@Nannerbelles wrote:

Not as much as I used to.  My children are married and out of town.  I will only get to see one this year and we don't usually have much other company.  With that said, I hate the process of decorating but I do enjoy it when it is done.  When I can't sleep I go downstairs and lay on the couch and turn on the tree and put some soft Christmas music on.  It doesn't help me get back to sleep but it is very soothing although sometimes it makes me sad.  Sometimes when I see all the families together it puts me in a funk. Holidays aren't what they used to be when the kids were home but I guess it is what you make of it. 

I feel much like you, i use to love all of it, but not so much, i don't do much, it makes me sad also, this time of year is really hard, i miss my son so much,and husband, i look at young couples,with kids ,and think how lucky you are.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

No, I do not.   I really only like the tree, the nativity scene, the candle arrangement on the dining room table, and using the Christmas towels.   All the other stuff my girls love to set out is clutter to me, and gets on my nerves.  I can enjoy a perfect Christmas without decorating my house.   

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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

No. If I put up a tree that's doing good and I prefer dh decorate and take it down. I do enjoy the lights though so I'm willing to leave it up until spring. Or maybe that's how I get dh to take it down since he doesn't want to pay for the electricity that long.
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Re: Do you enjoy decorating for the holidays?

I hate decorating for the holidays.  But, I love the cozy feel when it's all done.  And, now we have two little grandbabies, and they really enjoy everything.


I'm a little late finishing this year.  But, I'm keeping everything up until the week after New Year's Day, because we are hosting a family get-together.


I used to go all out for the other seasons....until I realized how much I hated putting all of that stuff away.  Now I just put a few seasonal touches out on my fireplace hearth and dining table.  I really need to box the other stuff up and get rid of it.

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