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Re: Do you believe in Ghosts?

@Topaz Gem wrote:

@Lila Belle wrote:

We once drove through the battlefields of Chancellorsville and Antietam and you could feel the terror and sense the horror of those battles. Creepy. I'm not sure if there were ghosts, spirits or whatever but I think it's probably a prediliction of one's sensibilities and perceptions and maybe empathy.


I hear that Gettysburg is the same way.  According to people who are 'sensitive', those areas are a treasure trove of paranormal activity.  That's so fascinating that you were able to pick up those vibes.  I have always wanted to go to those places...

I had a real bad feeling when I visited the Coliseum in Rome.  It was really oppressive to feel the weight of all the people who had died horrible deaths there.

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Re: Do you believe in Ghosts?

[ Edited ]

baker said:


"Some time soon after my little brother died, I was laying in bed and felt him sit down on the bed. I was 11 at the time, I didn't turn around and I wasn't afraid, but I knew it was him. I think when people die unexpectedly this energy or spirit returning home can occur. No one can know for sure, but that's how I explain what I experienced."





I think it can occur even if the death is expected.


My father was in denial about his impending death, and--after he died--I had many dreams in which he was present, but he didn't realize he was dead.  My mother and I--or others who were present--would look sadly at one another and say, "he doesn't know he's dead."  One time I said, "Dad, didn't you die?"  He looked at me, sad and confused, and I said, "Dad, you died on [month and day of his death]."  He looked down at the ground and walked away.  Another time, I was showing someone--who was sitting at a table--a remembrance card from the funeral home, which went from being a card to being a booklet with several pages.  One of the pages was a photograph of my dad lying dead in his hospice bed.  When I looked up, the person sitting at the table (seeing this picture) was my father.  He looked at it in disbelief.  I said, "Dad, that's you."  He said, "NO!  That hasn't happened yet!" and he sobbed the most horrible sobs I have ever heard.  I woke up crying; that was definitely the worst one.


A month or so ago, my father finally came and spoke to me in a couple of dreams.  He told me he was on a journey, and I knew he was finally headed home.  The thing is, I'm not sure if he is headed back to his earthly home, or some "home" that is not of this world.  For reasons I won't get into at this moment, my mother told me I could keep his urn at my home.  When I was driving it to my house, it felt very wrong.  I wondered if he would be able to find his way "home" if I took his urn to my house.  I wound up returning it to my parents' home.  I asked Dad to tell me what I should do, but I haven't heard from him again. 


Saturday my mother and I had similar experiences that made me think Dad was trying to tell us something.   


Before my dad died, my brother was afraid that his soul would get trapped in this earthly realm.  It sounded like crazy talk to me...but the odd things that came up in those last two dreams (where my father talked to me) led me to think otherwise.  Things were mentioned in those dreams that I had to Google.  I knew nothing about Norse mythology before, but I do now...I also happened upon a page that incorporated 3 different things that seemingly have nothing to do with one another...but that page answered a question I posed to my dad in dream #2.  The odds of me clicking on that link and finding the answer to a complicated question that seemed to be unrelated to the search I was doing...they must be astronomical.


I could be wrong, but I don't think I am...and I don't think I've heard the last of Dad...



ETA: The fact that this was a reply to baker's post.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Re: Do you believe in Ghosts?

I promised I would post about my daughter's regression, but I forgot til now.It was very difficult for her to regress,even if she meditates every day.She saw herseld in a past life in the Wild West as a farmer with a wife and kids.He was abusive and picked fights in bars and was bitter about losing money in bank transactions.She relived the anger this man had, but she was disappointed in the experience.Sad part I paid 225.oo.If it was less than 100.00 I would have tried it too.My friend in Italy heard of a woman who also studied with Brian Weiss who is doing regressions for only 40.oo dollars.My friend also had a few regressions and she said the first time is difficult but it gets easier later.