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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I show up 15-20 minutes early for work, Dr. appts. etc. It drives me crazy to be too early. I always think I could be running a quick errand.

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

We try to be on time. My Daddy believed that if you had to be somewhere at 8 and you arrived at 8 then you were late!!!

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

NO!!! I only got paid for 8 hrs when I was working so that's what I worked. If I went to work 30 mins early I would be working 2 1/2 hrs per wk without pay. The places I worked the person that got there 1st had to take over phone duty until the person that normally answers the phone got in so the boss could stop answering it. When I saw this I thought screw this & started showing up 5-10 mins before time & I would sit in my car a few mins. LOL!!! You were also expected to start the coffee. I don't drink coffee so if you want some you can make it. I was not hired as a maid. 

I even worked at a few places that thought you should clean the bathroom, vacuum, dust etc. I told all these places I was hired to do bookkeeping & if cleaning was also part of my duties I would find employment some place else if I wanted to be a maid.

I don't show up for doctor appt. early either that's why I made an appt.

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I do get to work an hour to even an hour and half early and to most appointments 30 min. early.  Always have a book with me and yesterday for my dental appt. did not even get to sit in waiting room since they had a last minute cancellation.  Took me right away and I was then home much sooner.

Going to the hairdresser this afternoon with my book sometimes she is ready early herself for sometimes not.  

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I hate to be late for any kind of appt. and I hate feeling 'rushed' to get there even more!


Arriving there 15 minutes early is what I strive for, but DH drives like he has all day to get there, so we leave home earlier when he drives.


I drive like the second coming of Dale Earnhardt Sr., so I know I'll be there early when I drive, LOL!

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I try to be a few minutes early for appointments or events. Where work is concerned I was always more concerned with the work product than with a punching the time clock mentality... 

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I too arrive early, go on trial runs etc. I find it alleviates

a lot of stress. I build in time for traffic delays, minor mishaps and am able to relax prior appointments.

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

[ Edited ]

Have to admit, when I was working my worst habit was getting to work right at the time I was to be there... or running in late.. Not proud of that, but, I think it was just that I was so burnt out towards the end, that I DREADED going back for another dismal day.  


As far as appointments etc doctor or dentist or any other event, I am ALWAYS  early.  



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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

To work early no.  I don't have anything I need to get ready for because I work in an office.  If I arrived 30 minutes or an hour early, I would just start working. 


Even to most doctor's appointments, I am right on time because I am coming from work.  I don't want to leave work any earlier than I have to so I give myself enough time to arrive in time for my appointment. 


If I am going to an event where I have to park and walk, find seats, etc. I make sure I am there with plenty of time so I'm just rushing to my seat.   

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I'm your opposite.  Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.  However, I strive to be better at this because I have often read that keeping people waiting for you indicates an absence of respect.  Honestly, I never think of it that way, but if the person waiting sees it that way, then I need to change.  Since I like to think I respect all, I now try to be punctual.