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Re: Do you answer your phone for “unknown callers”?

NO!. Should not answer those calls, they will continue to call and use a different number...

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Re: Do you answer your phone for “unknown callers”?

As I freelance from home these days, I can't take calls, even from people I know, though of course I get back to them when I can.  In my area, it is almost always spam.  Especially irritating are the robo calls that are kind of garbled  "YOUR FLOOR, and Clean your RUGS for 10.99 per ROOM."  


These messages do not build confidence....

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Re: Do you answer your phone for “unknown callers”?

 No. If it's important they'll leave a message.

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Re: Do you answer your phone for “unknown callers”?

that's a Big NO !   Even some people I know if I'm not in the mood to talk,  unless it's important ,  cause I will listen to the message .   I'm so very tired of all these spam calls !

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Re: Do you answer your phone for “unknown callers”?

@Jacie wrote:

I answer only known calls, even then I may not answer.


I remind everyone that my phone is for my convenience and not theirs.

@Jacie   I like that 😉

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Re: Do you answer your phone for “unknown callers”?

We cut the landline 10 years ago and never looked back. I especially don't miss the political campaign calls before elections.

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Re: Do you answer your phone for “unknown callers”?

Never! My son has my phone set up for unknown callers,number appears on my tv screen,then picks up to leave a message,they never do that!This works evert time

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Do you answer your phone for “unknown callers”?

Never. My contacts are in my phone, so I only answer my cell when I know who is calling. And I only give my cell number to people I know and want to hear from via call or text. 


I still have a land line, it is part of my cable bundle (cheaper to include the land line in the bundle than to order cable and internet a la carte). I give out that phone number to anyone that requires a number (Like QVC). There is a message feature and an itemization of all calls received, so I can always check to see if anyone called that I need to call back.