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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

We have a back up plan in the works for all things coming up.  Planning on having fun no matter what.  Takes some imagination is all and have the kids help plan and create too.  Let them get involved.  Make so me new memories and perhaps some new traditions.


We need to stay safe and positive.  

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

Around here, Halloween candy always appears in stores during August. (This is for private consumption, of course. I don't think there'll be much trick-or-treatin' this year.)

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@World Traveler wrote:

Why would it be cancelled? Every trick or treater that has come to my home in the past has a mask on. I can't even tell if it is a girl or a guy, they have so much on their head! ha! Since the kids are supposed to be the one sector of the population that has less chance of getting the virus, I don't think anyone has the power to cancel Halloween. Just saying...

They can, however, pass it along to everyone else.


I don't think it's prudent to do door-to-door trick-or-treating this year because you just don't know who is or isn't comfortable with it or who may have it. I imagine a lot of people will not want a bunch of strangers knocking on their door.


Kids are not going to be traumatized by missing out on trick-or-treating one year. It's the adults who are making a big deal out of everything. We always talk about parents today raising kids who are "soft" and can't cope with disappointment, and then we turn around and complain every time we can't get our way? I have a kid, so I know the disappointment, but or message to him is that it's not the end of the world.

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

If I still had young children (those days are long behind), I would not let them go trick-or-treating. I'd buy some of their favorite candies and arrange for some sort of celebration at home. Every time we ignore the advice of the doctors and scientists, we suffer more Covid cases. Children are coming down with it and are passing the virus to more vulnerable populations. We will not get rid of this bug until we all do the right thing.

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

Yes, who is going to be accepting  food from homes

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@World Traveler wrote:

Why would it be cancelled? Every trick or treater that has come to my home in the past has a mask on. I can't even tell if it is a girl or a guy, they have so much on their head! ha! Since the kids are supposed to be the one sector of the population that has less chance of getting the virus, I don't think anyone has the power to cancel Halloween. Just saying...


@World Traveler   Just the opposite for us. I haven't seen a child wearing a mask in...10 years plus. None of my kids ever wore them for 2 reasons: too hot and they smell AWFUL. Heavy chemical stench no matter how long we aired them out. Face makeup (if they do anything) is what we do and have seen on kids. Young children don't wear a mask probably because the parents are told it can block their vision and due to the chemicals (we were told this long ago).



Being in Florida now, it will be our first Halloween. My gut says it will go on with no difference because that's how this place tends to rock but back where we used to live? Not sure. Leaving candy out in a bowl means one selfish kid taking it leaves none for the rest. Or parents will be worried about it being "dirty". I can see it being up to counties/communities to make the decision.

*Four Seasons once again*
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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@Nuttmeg wrote:

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:


The Governors of New York and New Jersey are not going to allow children to go door to door,saying "trick or treat".


The people in both states have worked hard to bring the infection rate down. 

Parents will find fun ways to celebrate Halloween at home. 

@Nuttmeg  How on earth are they going to enforce that?

A parent will not take their young children door to door. Some schools in New Jersey and New York may return to classes in October

If the infection rate climbs, things will be shutdown again. 



And some schools in NY (including NYC) will re-open next week.


My LI grandchildren start next week and their mother, a NYC, school teacher returns next week.  August 31.

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@Lucky Charm wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:

@PA Mom-mom wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:


The Governors of New York and New Jersey are not going to allow children to go door to door,saying "trick or treat".


The people in both states have worked hard to bring the infection rate down. 

Parents will find fun ways to celebrate Halloween at home. 

@Nuttmeg  How on earth are they going to enforce that?

A parent will not take their young children door to door. Some schools in New Jersey and New York may return to classes in October

If the infection rate climbs, things will be shutdown again. 



And some schools in NY (including NYC) will re-open next week.


My LI grandchildren start next week and their mother, a NYC, school teacher returns next week.  August 31.

Our schools in NY open on Sept. 17.

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

Why not encourage families to have a trick-or-treat hunt in their own houses or on their property instead of going door to door? Parents/guardians could hide well-wrapped or prepackaged candies or treats, and also gift-wrapped "tricks" like pieces of coal or plain rocks or even things like small potatoes. It would be smart to have a lot more treats than tricks, but maybe give a prize to the one who finds the most tricks.


In our family, my mother always hid our Easter baskets and we had to find them. I remember one year, she put mine in the dryer. This is the same kind of thing, a distraction that kids might enjoy, ending with something sweet, and no risk to them or others unless friends are invited.


If parents have enough time and energy, they could make some of the confections with the kids. Things like Rice Krispies Treats come to mind. Color them orange and wrap in waxed paper or Saran Wrap. Kids have to find them to eat them.


I hope today's children aren't too jaded to find things like this fun.

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Registered: ‎11-01-2010

Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled



Halloween won’t be canceled; it is a holiday. Regular celebrations like trick-or-treating and Trunk-or-Treat will almost certainly be canceled. 


I got an email today from the city I live in. Our annual Christmas Parade has been canceled. Normally, at this time, they would be working hard on planning it. I’m pretty sure it won’t be safe to have any parades this fall or winter.