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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications

Sho do!!!!  Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes





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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications

Kind of makes me feel like i actually count!!

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications

Thank you all for my 20 hearts!

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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications

@Jordan2 Yes!  It reminds me of how I used to feel when I was a kid, when I looked forward to seeing what was in the mailbox.  It was only "good"  mail.   Now, most of my (snail) mail is ads and bills!

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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications

After years of feeling invisible, it's nice to know some are reading my posts.

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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications


I really appreciate getting Notifications. It gives me an easy way to know that someone may want me to reply to their message. And if I don't have time to reply that day, I can always review my notifications a few days later to look for that post. It's really helpful. 



The hearts are another matter... cause I am just over the moon over the hearts. I will heart away at the first opportunity and heart away to my heart's content. Smiley Happy


I think they provide validation, connectedness, a way of lettings folks know that the post they spent so much time on was read and mattered. 


From my perspective, the hearts are positive energy expanding outward in an ever expanding circle that touches everyone in the vicinity. Smiley Happy


If you like the hearts then I'd really recommend that you take a look at the I DECIDED TO START GIVING HEARTS! thread which is in this forum. It's a really inspiring thread that came straight from the heart. The first few pages is mainly everyone's positive thoughts about hearting and then it moves into lovely heart photos (such as the one below) interspersed with people's thoughts about hearting. I find it to be a very vibrant and inspirational thread. Smiley Happy


I look at it every day and add new heart photos to it whenever possible. -- For me, it's a way to let the hearting expand. *s*


-- bebe Smiley Happy



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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications


Yes, the notifications and hearts have really grown on me!  I agree that it's like getting mail when you were young and all mail was a good thing.  But I've had to start reminding myself to GIVE hearts and notifications since I've found that I like getting them.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications

I like them, too, but the floaty thing that suddenly appears after someone hearted your post, can be bit startling.

☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️
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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications



same hereHeart

At first i thought noway~~ would i get any until i got my first made me smile  and i  give hearts now to let some know i read the post and  agree with what they had to only takes a click.

preds 06-21-20
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Re: Do You Love Getting Notifications

I agree...I like them too!  Doesn't it seem silly that something like a little heart on a message board can boost one's spirits just a bit?!  Yet I do find myself happy when I get one! Smiley Happy