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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

Nope!  I just don't care anymore what about others might think of me based on my size.  Even in my reviews I state my height, weight, measurements (where applicable, depending upon the item being sold) & of course the size I selected to help others who might be similarly proportioned make a purchasing decision.


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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

No I am considered the ‘big ‘ one in the family as I go between medium and large - sometimes xl - daughters, grand daughters all smalls but I am happy with my size.


I know which designers fit me good usually size large so never would lie about it.

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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

No one asks my size and the conversation never comes up, so I don't have to lie.


i remember one time we drew names for Christmas gifts at work.  One of the suggestions I gave was a pair of slippers in a size six.  Well, I got slippers in a size 8.  When I asked the gift giver why she purchased that size  for me, she said everyone lies about their size and no one besides a child wears a size six.


I really do wear a size six shoe, but my daughter wears an she got new slippers.




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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

@SilleeMee wrote:

@Jordan2 wrote:

I wear either a size 8 or 10 depending on the manufacturer. I never lie to someone about my size, if I don't want them to know, I just won't say. Meghan on The View yesterday said she wears a 12, I found that surprising.



Was it that size or was it the fact that she stated what size she wears that you found surprising?


For me the number on the tag doesn't matter. What matters to me is how it fits. 

@SilleeMee  I just found it odd she would volunteer the information ( I forgot what they were talking about that she said this). One thing I admire about Meghan is she is comfortable in her own skin and doesn't care what people think or say about her.

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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

I don’t know why you or anyone would tell someone their size other than you are trying to acquire clothes, so lying would be self defeating.  I did not see the show, but I guess meghan’s stated size is the reason you bring this up.  She could easily be a 12, the truth is everything she wears is impeccably tailored to fit her perfectly, so it is not off the rack.  She always looks perfect.  A curvy person like her can’t find clothes off the rack that fit so well.  So wherever she procures her clothes is a size 12 specially tailored for her to fit the day she will wear on air.  Those jobs come with styling budgets.

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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

@Jordan2 wrote:

I wear either a size 8 or 10 depending on the manufacturer. I never lie to someone about my size, if I don't want them to know, I just won't say. Meghan on The View yesterday said she wears a 12, I found that surprising.

@Jordan2   What were the talking about when she brought this up? It just seems like a strange thing to start discussing on a show.

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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

@Jordan2 wrote:

I wear either a size 8 or 10 depending on the manufacturer. I never lie to someone about my size, if I don't want them to know, I just won't say. Meghan on The View yesterday said she wears a 12, I found that surprising.

@Jordan2  ..... I think Meghan told a little white lie .... she has to be bigger than a size 12 especially in her bust .... she is a BIG girl 😃

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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

@colliemom4 wrote:

@Jordan2 wrote:

I wear either a size 8 or 10 depending on the manufacturer. I never lie to someone about my size, if I don't want them to know, I just won't say. Meghan on The View yesterday said she wears a 12, I found that surprising.

@Jordan2   What were the talking about when she brought this up? It just seems like a strange thing to start discussing on a show.


They were talking about Christian Soriano? designing for all sizes.  Then she related that she hates photo shoots because they have nothing for her to wear and said, "Come on.  You mean you can't find anything back there in a size 12?"

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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

Who talks about what size they are wearing?  I don't think I have ever been in a situation, other than shopping, where I had to say my size out loud.  Isn't that like talking about what you weigh?  

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Re: Do You Lie About What Size You Wear

I don't think it's anyone's business what size anyone else wears ... unless you are going to buy them clothes.