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Do You Ever Have Premonitions

I do and it bothers me. Sometimes they are good, but for the most part they are not. I don't like that feeling. They usually come true.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

The same thing happens to me. It freaks me out. I used to keep it to myself, but now I tell my husband and a few friends when it happens. I can't explain it, don't understand it, but it happens. Sometimes it's immediate too.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Yes, it's very unnerving at times....
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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

yes, I have seen the death of one of my best friend ten years before it happened. I have known when earth quakes would occur and also have had a vision of war a month before it happened. There have been other things. Many I would keep to myself, but about twenty years ago I started telling people.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

A few weeks before 9/11, I had one of those quick dreams which ended in a terrible explosion. Originally, I thought maybe it was because of the singer Aaliyah's plane crash - but, maybe not. Spooky.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions


And I'll leave it at that.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

I remember the night before 9/11. I was to be at a Merck site at 6 AM on 9/11. All my prep for the downsized interviews was done as was my prep for the subsequent 2-day career workshop which I had delivered many, many times. At 2 AM I was awake and kept walking through the house for no known reason: I felt some type of strong energy pulsating. Thinking back now it may have been masses of angels preparing for the aftermath and all those souls. Too, later in the AM I was waiting for my last appointment and greeted him with I'm sorry to be meeting under these circumstances ( he was being let go as part of the downsizing ). He looked at me and said I've never been so happy to meet you: I work in that second building and would have been in there today!!! I'll remember him and the folks who attended that subsequent seminar. Overheard at the break was one fellow on his cellphone telling another person that he had been talking to their friend as he jumped from the building.
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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

No, I don't but my brother does and my grandmother did.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Yes mine have come to me in dreams and they are very disturbing because they usually repeat over and over and then it happens.
Sleep sweet Bo 3/19/08 8/4/18
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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

No not premonitions, but I experience deja vu frequently. Its eerie. Places I never been to are too familiar like I have been there before. Sometimes it also happens with conversations. Feels like I am reliving it and know whats coming next.