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@Kathyfobo wrote:

I feel that the Q and I have been separated for quite awhile, with occasional visitation rights. Now however I feel its time for a divorce. Prices are too hight, quality is down, host not taking the time to know their products so they can explain them properly. Talking over their venders. Acting like 12 year old children. Having a man tell me how  a bra shoult fit etc.

@Kathyfobo  Alberti should have told them to shove it when he was told what he had to sell. 

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I completely understand Where OP is coming from and the analogy was tongue in cheek. Hope your divorce goes well.  People get so testy about the slightest thing especially with new posters. 

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Men have no business telling women how a bra should fit!!!!
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@shellwwwwww wrote:
Men have no business telling women how a bra should fit!!!!

Many bra designers are men, and it is simply an article of clothing! 

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” -Mark Twain
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If a man cannot tell a woman how to put on a bra properly does this mean that there shouldn't be any male gynecologists?
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I haven't shopped at the Q for 6 years. Then when the boards went through that name change I lost my original name. Then I just read the boards for fun.
Last year I finally decided to join the boards again.
I had been on the boards since 2005
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@RespectLife wrote:



You missed my point.


Anyone who goes through a divorce knows the experience is NOTHING like shopping less with QVC.


The experience of divorce can be stressful, heartbreaking and hard to endure, life changing etc.


While the word technically is applicable, separating yourself from a shopping site is nothing like the real experience of divorce.



Lighten up. It's an analogy. And I've been through a difficult divorce. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Kathyfobo wrote:

I feel that the Q and I have been separated for quite awhile, with occasional visitation rights. Now however I feel its time for a divorce. Prices are too hight, quality is down, host not taking the time to know their products so they can explain them properly. Talking over their venders. Acting like 12 year old children. Having a man tell me how  a bra shoult fit etc.


Ignore the complaints about using the word, divorce. I've been through a difficult divorce and didn't think twice about you using the word. Yes, divorce is very tough and hard on people. But the word can be used in many ways. 

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Years ago, I think it was Rick, filling in for a host that left or was ill, but he did a whole Breezies hour.  It was quite humorous.  

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Excellent post!! There's only a few brands/shows I'm interested in so Im watching QVC less and less. Then the host's antics make the shows unwatchable---many hosts act silly, immature, they are too self-focused, there's little info on the products given.  And the products shown are very limited, presentations too repetitive.  TSV presentations too long and too frequent. Prices especially clothing are overpriced and not competitive. 


@Kathyfobo just ignore the "critics" Emily Latella from SNL said.....its always "something" with them....Woman Wink

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”