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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

My grandfather used to call me “Zeese” (sp.?) which is Yiddish for “Sweet”. My grandmother used to call me “Monkeydoodle” which my husband says means “monkey sh*t.  🤪 I am sure grandma didn’t mean it that way and had a loving meaning for that nickname. 

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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

I was thinking about this thread the other day after my grandson had eaten his lunch.


I said “You‘re sticky, let me wipe off your PATTIES”, and the thought occurred to me that I can’t think of having heard anyone say that except me.


Do any of you wipe off your grandchildren’s patties?

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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

My granddaddy puttered in his garage every Saturday
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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

Whatever happened to “purses”? That’s what everyone I know says.
My daddy said “ plum-nelly” as in” he lives plum over in Townsend and nelly into the next county”
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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

My great aunt always called a turkey a Tom. She would say we were having a Tom for thanksgiving.
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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

The Romance languages are so connected it is easy to learn another one if you have already mastered one.
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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

Growing up in the south, we also had our own
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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

@CrazyKittyLvr2 Extremely interesting thread.  I really enjoyed reading this.  I hope you get more answers.


My grandparents didn't ust any unusual terms and my favorite grandmother was born in 1900.Smiley Happy

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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

We lived in a neighborhood with most families being Polish or Slovak.  My dad was 100% Irish and my mother 100% Italian (Tyrolean, long story, won't go into it here).  We learned some common words and phrases, like babushka and dupa and used them frequently.  

DH and I came from the same town, but after marrying, never lived near there and were able to visit only 2 times a year, one week at Christmas and one in summer.  Even with that small amount of exposure, our children remember and sometimes use those words.   How I wish we were taught the languages of our grandparents! 

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Re: Did your Grandparents Use Words Not Heard....

@Lisa Y wrote:

My grandfather used to call me “Zeese” (sp.?) which is Yiddish for “Sweet”. My grandmother used to call me “Monkeydoodle” which my husband says means “monkey sh*t.  🤪 I am sure grandma didn’t mean it that way and had a loving meaning for that nickname. 


I don't know where I ever heard the name but I sometimes call my guinea pigs "Monkeydoodles.   Gee now that I know what that means I better stop.  🐵