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Re: Did you have cataract surgery?

Hi, I just posted asking the same thing last week because I have cataracts too. If you do a search you may find my thread and lots of people answered with very good information. For me-I meet with the surgeon next week. (My regular eye Dr is sending me there, she doesn't do surgery). I wish you well. Looks like we will be going around the same time!

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Did you have cataract surgery?

Thanks Shorty2U. I saw the other posts and intend on going back and reading them. I am lucky to have a SIL who worked for an eye surgeon and she is my rock on eye issues. I just hope I can have them done and not need any future tweaking. I truly regret the fact that I had RK and Lasik procedures done years ago. However the doctor told me today not to beat myself up about it as they weren't aware then of the future issues those procedure might create.

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Re: Did you have cataract surgery?

Lindsay's Grandma, how did your appointment go?

Are you having cataract surgery done? I am scheduled for Monday and scared to death. I don't like anything near my eye.

I know it is supposed to be a simple surgery but things do happen. So I am very afraid.

Please let me know how your appointment turned out.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Posts: 8,958
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Did you have cataract surgery?

pickles, see if you can find the "problem" rate for cataract surgery. It's VERY low. I had a third surgery after having both cataracts done, and it was general anesthetic, and I was also terrified of that one, but it was FINE. please post after your surgery and let us know how you're enjoying your new sight!