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Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?

@Mz iMac wrote:

All the time.  Quite a few live in my city or neighboring ones.   So running into them has become normal.  Most (females) are unregognizable w/o makeup.




Red Foxx - Bally's Casino Keno machine.  He sat next to me & taught me how to play. Smiley LOL


The following in New Orleans (when I had my camera ready)...


Lenny Kravits leaving the airport

(my panties melted right off)

Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at Tue, Jul 7, 2015-7.57.18 PM.png


Missy Elliot, Solonge & 

Beyonce chit chatting outside a restaurant bathroom. I forgot the 1 on the left name.

Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at Tue, Jul 7, 2015-7.09.29 PM.png


Hakeem from Empire coming into convention hall.

Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at Tue, Jul 7, 2015-7.46.17 PM.png


Common outside a restaurant

Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at Tue, Jul 7, 2015-7.48.17 PM.png



@Mz iMac The one on the far left looks so familiar, who is the one on the far right? Is she from Destiny's Child(one on the far left)? maybe?

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Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?

I was sitting at the airport waiting for my flight and there was a small walkway in front of me....hardly anyone was walking through...but when i looked up the second was Willie Mays...many years back....

And attending a Broadway show a couple years back...was walking along the sidewalk where the theatres were and outside of one theatre was a line and out came Denzel Washington from the building where he was in a show..and he was greeting the people in line...............couldn't believe he was right there and such a great smile !!

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Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?



Far right is Beyonce

Far left is Kelly Rowland - I had a senior moment w/her name. Smiley Tongue

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?

@Mz iMac Ahh. Beyonce. Ok upon another look , yes that looks just like her....Kelly Rowlands-yes.......Knew she looked very familiar! Thanks for the clarification! 

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Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?

Yes, I've seen a few at airports and restaurants, but I did literally run into one.  Bumped right into Mario Batali on the street.  He must have been on the way home from the studio, because boy did he have a lot of makeup on lol

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Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?

I ran into Davey Jones in a department store 25 years ago. He looked really cute, smiled and said hello.

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Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?

[ Edited ]

@songbird wrote:

I've posted this before I think.  I only had one and it was a big one.  I met and had a brief conversation with Robert De Niro.  It was in New York, not far form where he lives.  The embarrassing part was I didn't know at the time who he was.  I was visiting my sister in New York and at a street corner, we witnessed a big drag out fight between a couple in the street.  They wouldn't leave and soon we had a whole crowd around us.  Mr. De Niro walked up to me, watched them waiting for the police  and struck up a conversation with me.  I asked him if he was famous when he said he was an actor.  I had seen him walk out of a theatre door.  He laughed and said yes.  He looked very ordinary.  To be fair, I hardly saw any movies with him in it.  I never even saw the Godfather.  My sister (who was with me) screamed at me afterwards "You idiot, that was Rober De Niro!"

@songbird  Probably. There have been a lot of threads like this one.


  I've seen lots also.  Among them that I can think of off the top of my head now: Justin Hayward (Moody Blues), Harry Belafonte in his heyday at his handsomest (still a handsome man), Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, Josh Radnor (How I Met Your Mother), Julia Roberts & Lyle Lovett when they were together, at a shopping mall, and others I can't think of right now.

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Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?

Timothy Leary walking on Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley.  I was about 20 in the late sixties. I said something to him and he

had a funny response.


Melvin Belli standing on a corner next to me in San Francisco ready to cross the street...mid sixties


Sonny Bono walking in the Cesar's Casino at Lake Tahoe in the



Johnny Cochran in the San Jose Airport around 1997--everyone nearby staring at him.



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?

Oh... I need to add, I worked one day as an extra in some campus scenes of The Way We Were.  Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford.  Streisand was shy, and didn't interact.  Redford was great... he played ball with the students (the filming took place on an actual campus).  The funniest scene was when he was throwing the Javelin... He couldn't get it 10', but we had to ooh and aah!  I was there for a few crowd scenes, but I think I ended up on the cutting room floor! LOL 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Did you ever run into a famous person?



Love that story and if I recall the movie was filmed at Union College, Schenectady, NY


@ItsME wrote:

Oh... I need to add, I worked one day as an extra in some campus scenes of The Way We Were.  Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford.  Streisand was shy, and didn't interact.  Redford was great... he played ball with the students (the filming took place on an actual campus).  The funniest scene was when he was throwing the Javelin... He couldn't get it 10', but we had to ooh and aah!  I was there for a few crowd scenes, but I think I ended up on the cutting room floor! LOL 


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