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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

I was doing Wordl yesterday while watching my 8 year old granddaughter.  She told me I should try hello wordl.  You can play as much as you want and choose how many letters you want in your word.  I tried it and it is fun.  

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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

Ya'll better enjoy the FREE game while you can.  The inventor has been made an "offer" & is thinking about "selling" the game and/or charging a "fee."

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

@Flyer98 @I'm going to try it now.

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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

@Mindy D  I'm really liking the 6 letter word option.  I spend too much time playing but I tell myself it's good for my mind.  LOL

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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

Yes i did, and Spelling Bee.   I cannot wait to do SPELLING BEE day   

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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

I love WORDLE. 

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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

I just started playing this game about a week ago.  I'm enjoying it somewhat but I seriously don't get the popularity.  What I don't understand is for the first word you just choose a random word out of the hundreds of thousands of words in the English language?!  Crazy to me.  



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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

@Mz iMac wrote:

Ya'll better enjoy the FREE game while you can.  The inventor has been made an "offer" & is thinking about "selling" the game and/or charging a "fee."

@Mz iMac , from what I've read the NYT has already bought it and it will "initially" remain free, but in the same article stated they bought it "to boost its online subscriptions".  

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Registered: ‎09-20-2019

Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

Just started playing because my DD got me hooked! Today was my third try & got it on my 4th try! I too will check out the sites posted here to see more of the games to play!
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Re: Did you do your WORDLE today?

I wish there were answers available. I went to wordleunlimited and there was a 5 letter word. I got to the last line and the eve at the beginning was correct, but there was no r, no y, no c, no t, no s, no l, no b. I don't have a clue what the word could be. No answer available.