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Uhm the host was making a light hearted comment about hair (meaning ALL hair) when the camera COINCIDENTALLY panned toward the African American Model. The host apologized. Another case of over reaction. Period.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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On 1/30/2015 Complicated said:
On 1/30/2015 Ilikeshade said:

I watched the video and what I find odd is why she had to mention hair at all. Like others, I don't believe she's a mean person or racist but here's the dialogue.

Sandra: "You might look back and think why did I wear my hair like that; you'll like your bag still.

Sue: You won't look at your hair in this picture, you'll look at your handbag.

Sandra: Right.

first of all, that is a small portion of the entire conversation.

secondly, I would venture to guess that people of all colors, ethnicities, hair types, etc ALL have past pictures where they say "what was I thinking?" about their hairstyle, their clothing etc. What Sandra was saying, if you listen to the whole conversation in context, it that some things go out of style and some things are classics-and she was asserting that the handbag being sold was a classic and would not be regretted.


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On 1/30/2015 Shorty2U said:

Uhm the host was making a light hearted comment about hair (meaning ALL hair) when the camera COINCIDENTALLY panned toward the African American Model. The host apologized. Another case of over reaction. Period.

Clearly the host would never have made reference to this model's hair. Absurd. This is not only a case of overreaction IMO but the very tired old case of Looking For Ways to Blame Whites Due to Chip On Shoulder. There I've said it.

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On 1/30/2015 brii said:

It got blown out of proportion because someone decided that Sandra's comment was r-cist.

I find it sad...

What is truly sad is that there is still so much racism in this country that people *do* react this way. If we didn't have a racism problem, there wouldn't have been a knee-jerk reaction like this.

I don't believe there was any insult intended at all. But, as long as we have a racism problem in this country, this will happen - and sometimes it really is racism rearing its ugly head.

But, not this time.

"The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."
- Augustine

Be Vigilent
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On 1/30/2015 Lion said:
On 1/30/2015 brii said:

It got blown out of proportion because someone decided that Sandra's comment was r-cist.

I find it sad...

What is truly sad is that there is still so much racism in this country that people *do* react this way. If we didn't have a racism problem, there wouldn't have been a knee-jerk reaction like this.

I don't believe there was any insult intended at all. But, as long as we have a racism problem in this country, this will happen - and sometimes it really is racism rearing its ugly head.

But, not this time.

However, making a huge deal out of something as ridiculous as this does NOTHING to improve relations. They should find something real to create a mountain of.

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Posts: 4,270
Registered: ‎04-20-2012
On 1/30/2015 Complicated said:
On 1/30/2015 Ilikeshade said:

I watched the video and what I find odd is why she had to mention hair at all. Like others, I don't believe she's a mean person or racist but here's the dialogue.

Sandra: "You might look back and think why did I wear my hair like that; you'll like your bag still.

Sue: You won't look at your hair in this picture, you'll look at your handbag.

Sandra: Right.

first of all, that is a small portion of the entire conversation.

secondly, I would venture to guess that people of all colors, ethnicities, hair types, etc ALL have past pictures where they say "what was I thinking?" about their hairstyle, their clothing etc. What Sandra was saying, if you listen to the whole conversation in context, it that some things go out of style and some things are classics-and she was asserting that the handbag being sold was a classic and would not be regretted.

Complicated.....the video I watched was from the OP's link. If you have more dialogue to add from another link, please do so. I wasn't watching the program on Qvc so there may in fact be more dialogue but I would think the OP would have included that link as well. When you go to the OP's link like I did, you have to scroll down to the very bottom to get to the video.

Also, want to add....the hosts have a monitor in front of them that's on a delay. All of them know what they will be viewing next, before we do. So, her assertion that the camera moved to the model and she didn't realize it when she spoke about hair, just doesn't add up.

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Registered: ‎03-18-2010
On 1/30/2015 scotttie said:
On 1/30/2015 Lion said:
On 1/30/2015 brii said:

It got blown out of proportion because someone decided that Sandra's comment was r-cist.

I find it sad...

What is truly sad is that there is still so much racism in this country that people *do* react this way. If we didn't have a racism problem, there wouldn't have been a knee-jerk reaction like this.

I don't believe there was any insult intended at all. But, as long as we have a racism problem in this country, this will happen - and sometimes it really is racism rearing its ugly head.

But, not this time.

However, making a huge deal out of something as ridiculous as this does NOTHING to improve relations. They should find something real to create a mountain of.

I agree.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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On 1/30/2015 Complicated said:
On 1/30/2015 Ilikeshade said:

I watched the video and what I find odd is why she had to mention hair at all. Like others, I don't believe she's a mean person or racist but here's the dialogue.

Sandra: "You might look back and think why did I wear my hair like that; you'll like your bag still.

Sue: You won't look at your hair in this picture, you'll look at your handbag.

Sandra: Right.

first of all, that is a small portion of the entire conversation.

secondly, I would venture to guess that people of all colors, ethnicities, hair types, etc ALL have past pictures where they say "what was I thinking?" about their hairstyle, their clothing etc. What Sandra was saying, if you listen to the whole conversation in context, it that some things go out of style and some things are classics-and she was asserting that the handbag being sold was a classic and would not be regretted.


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Posts: 11,095
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 1/30/2015 Q-Anu said:
On 1/30/2015 Irshgrl31201 said:
On 1/30/2015 Preds said:

The one ""at fault"" should have been the camera person for their timing on going back to the models. No one meant that to hurt anyone. It was a simple comment in regards to all women. Sandra should not have to apologize for anything. She did nothing wrong. The people raising cane are the ones that are wrong. They owe her an apology!!!!!!!

I wish she wouldn't have apologized. By doing so it lets the ridiculous people think she has something to apologize for which she absolutely positively does not.

Agreed - some are calling this some kind of 'victory' and congratulating each other on other websites and blogs. It only encourages further such behavior and worse. Many are demanding Sandra be fired and are threatening to promote a boycott of QVC.

Unbelievable the hate at a woman who would never had made that comment towards the model. This is what we have come to...we see race every where...even when this is being falsely used to demean a woman who has always showed such class.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Posts: 4,270
Registered: ‎04-20-2012
On 1/30/2015 LipstickDiva said:
On 1/30/2015 Complicated said:
On 1/30/2015 Ilikeshade said:

I watched the video and what I find odd is why she had to mention hair at all. Like others, I don't believe she's a mean person or racist but here's the dialogue.

Sandra: "You might look back and think why did I wear my hair like that; you'll like your bag still.

Sue: You won't look at your hair in this picture, you'll look at your handbag.

Sandra: Right.

first of all, that is a small portion of the entire conversation.

secondly, I would venture to guess that people of all colors, ethnicities, hair types, etc ALL have past pictures where they say "what was I thinking?" about their hairstyle, their clothing etc. What Sandra was saying, if you listen to the whole conversation in context, it that some things go out of style and some things are classics-and she was asserting that the handbag being sold was a classic and would not be regretted.


The video I watched was from the OP's link. If you have more dialogue to add from another link, please do so. I wasn't watching the program on Qvc so there may in fact be more dialogue but I would think the OP would have included that link as well. When you go to the OP's link like I did, you have to scroll down to the very bottom to get to the video.

Also, want to add....the hosts have a monitor in front of them that's on a delay. All of them know what they will be viewing next, before we do. So, her assertion that the camera moved to the model and she didn't realize it when she spoke about hair, just doesn't add up.