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Is "Viewpoints" frozen?

It must have gotten pretty ugly here last night.

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I think it's just slow..........................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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I think a lot of people just don't have something to say. It happens sometimes!

On the other hand...I'm done reading a very long book for my book club, and I want some conversation. This might not be the best night?

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I've looked in now and then to read, not posting 'til tonight, but there are a number of missing threads. Looks like the moderators have been busy.

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Everyone's all ebola-ed out, for now, and anything about yesterday's election has been poofed on contact. I think that about covers current events, for the time being. I kinda like a slow news day, honestly.

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I haven't heard anything about ebola on the news Chanels so that information must be blocked or there is no new news..but it seemed to be daily before...I like to know where the people that are being monitored are so I can decide what prevention methods that I want to take if I am in that same area.
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I'm never in the know. Please fill me in

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When a thread gets hot, it gets deleted. Of course if a topic is considered inappropriate, it also gets deleted. That's why things look stagnant around here.

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I think another factor is a lot of interesting posters seldom, if ever, post any longer.
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On 11/5/2014 Dam Yankee said:

Everyone's all ebola-ed out, for now, and anything about yesterday's election has been poofed on contact. I think that about covers current events, for the time being. I kinda like a slow news day, honestly.

Well we can talk being eaten by a snake...I think?


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**