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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

Yes, I liked everything I was given.
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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

11 months from last radiation treatment and a clear mammogram last Monday.  I thought I had it all under control and surprised myself by bursting into tears. Good health is a precious gift. I spent the day with loved ones and good food. We don't do a lot of gifts but my son gave me something I will enjoy--a remote video peephole for my front door. I can see the whole porch on a screen on the remote from the safety of my chair. My son thought this would give me peace of mind and he doesn't have to hear me shouting who's there before opening the door. I have a peephole but unless the person is standing in a fairly narrow range of sight it doesn't work. I thought it was nifty!

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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

I did! One of the things that I got was this Colt Bowie knife.





Sweet, huh?





Yeah, don't mess with me! *lol*

Was the knife for you or did your husband buy it for you for his use? 


I got a Prada bag.  My hubby wanted me to have something though I told him I have what I need and just want to appreciate what I have. 







Did my husband buy it for me, or did he buy it for me for him to use???






First off, I am single.


Second of all, it's 2015, women, both married and single, are perfectly capable of buying and owning their own knives.


Man not required.


Thirdly, women are perfectly capable of using knives.


Again, testicles are not required for that either.


Fourtly, as I said earlier, I, a single woman, like to collect knives.




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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

[ Edited ]

A knife? Wow, that took me by surprise when I opened this!


And Yes and more! DH got me tickets (and 1 for himself of course to go with) to see Hall and Oates!!!!!!!! who I have seen 4 times before and love since the 70s! Also he got my Philosophy set, and the Amazon Echo! I am amazed by the Echo! It does everything but cook and clean! lol. Been playing with it like a kid for a day! (I am a techie girl!).


My kids/grandkids got me 100 dollar gift card from Target, more Philosophy, Vera Bradley bag and matching wallet, earrings, clothing, DVDS of tv shows I love, and I got a picture book and framed picture of my sons photos he had done b/c i kept saying I dont have any recent big photos of him. (love it!) Then from DHs family -bath and body stuff, more Target gift cards, cash, a framed artwork (gorgeous!)


I cant wait to shop with my Target cards all totalling 175.00! Have I said I love Target? :-) And i cannot wait to go see Hall and Oates! (I was in tears of joy when I got the tickets!)


DH got a lot of nice stuff too from everyone! 

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

@SunValley wrote:

11 months from last radiation treatment and a clear mammogram last Monday.  I thought I had it all under control and surprised myself by bursting into tears. Good health is a precious gift. I spent the day with loved ones and good food. We don't do a lot of gifts but my son gave me something I will enjoy--a remote video peephole for my front door. I can see the whole porch on a screen on the remote from the safety of my chair. My son thought this would give me peace of mind and he doesn't have to hear me shouting who's there before opening the door. I have a peephole but unless the person is standing in a fairly narrow range of sight it doesn't work. I thought it was nifty!

SunValley...I'm happy for you and all of your gifts...which include a considerate son.  <3

Keepin' it real.
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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

@SunValley wrote:

11 months from last radiation treatment and a clear mammogram last Monday.  I thought I had it all under control and surprised myself by bursting into tears. Good health is a precious gift. I spent the day with loved ones and good food. We don't do a lot of gifts but my son gave me something I will enjoy--a remote video peephole for my front door. I can see the whole porch on a screen on the remote from the safety of my chair. My son thought this would give me peace of mind and he doesn't have to hear me shouting who's there before opening the door. I have a peephole but unless the person is standing in a fairly narrow range of sight it doesn't work. I thought it was nifty!

SunValley, I am happy for you. Yes good health is a precious gift, and what a nice and thoughtful son!

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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

@Plaid Pants2 Okay.  Yes, I know it's 2015, but I read your post that you were gifted the knife and assumed it was someone close to you that gave it to you. 

I am still collecting gifts.  I also got money from my hubby. 

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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

@Lucibee @esmerelda thank you for your nice posts. Yes I feel very blessed. I know not everyone has good health or close family. I never take this for granted.

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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?






Christmas is a birthday celebration. I did not know it is about getting "stuff" and whether you like it or not.


In America, we all ought to be "giving" to those in need who are so less fortunate than we are.


I am terribly saddened by what Christmas has become to most of America.


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Re: Did Everybody Get What They Wanted For Christmas?

[ Edited ]

@SunValley wrote:

@Lucibee @esmerelda thank you for your nice posts. Yes I feel very blessed. I know not everyone has good health or close family. I never take this for granted.

 @SunValley I try not to take anything for granted either. My son has a chronic illness. It is difficult sometimes, but he is learning to live with it the best that he can. 



I wish wish you well. Happy New Year!!