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Our local news just announced that Phoenix broke a record high temperature today with a cozy 117°.  We've got several upcoming days of 100° in Albuquerque.  Thankfully we don't get much higher because if our mile- high altitude.


I imagine you, like me, are in hibernation mode.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I'm in Phoenix area and it's only 112 at 3:30 in the afternoon.

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I would die!  It was 108 saturday and sunday and I was in serious hibernation mode!

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I am in the Tucson area and it's 109.  4:30

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@Kachina624    Aw gee whiz...YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!   And both our cities are under the same heat dome that's gonna last for THE NEXT WEEK.


My freezer is stocked...and I'm praying the electricity holds up.   di


♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Meowingkitty wrote:

I'm in Phoenix area and it's only 112 at 3:30 in the afternoon.



@Meowingkitty    You must live in the chilly part if town.  I imagine the 117 was at the airport.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Please add me to the list. 


I go out about at about  7 AM to throw out the trash and drive down the hill to get the mail (too hot to walk), that's about it. 


This is my 31st summer in Phx so I know there will be no break in the unbearable heat until October. 


I feel so grateful that APS, our electric provider, is reliable in keeping the power on and IF we have a power loss (I have a battery-operated fan) it's usually for only a short time.


Grocery delivery (that I always schedule for 8 AM) is the greatest amenity I take advantage of for the last few years.  Can't thank the delivery people and the markets enough for this service.




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@pdlinda   @Desertdi   @Meowingkitty   @spumoni99   @Pezzie 


I really don't know how people tolerate living in Phoenix or why the want to unless it's for a great job.  I left Texas partially due to the hot summers and they were nothing compared to yours.


Albuquerque gets hot too but just occasionally (3 or 4 days a year) does it reach 100° then it cools in the evening.  We have 4 seasons, beautiful autum leaves and some snow.  It can get very cold; most winter nights are below freezing.


I really feel for you all in those extremely hot conditions.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I have lived in Arizona since I was a child so I don't know any different. I would rather have the heat than snow, humidity, tornados and hurricanes.

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Hi, @Kachina624. Count me in as a Phoenix dweller, & after 8 years, I've actually gotten used to it.

The ONE thing that freaks me out is worrying that my a/c will bite the bullet, which it did last 4th of July!

Thank God it only needed a repair and not a replacement.


I'm a New Englander by birth and at heart, but also lived in Alabama for a few years, and spent 20 years in California.


Sure, sometimes I want to move back to MA, but I don't know how much longer I'd be capable of shoveling snow after a blizzard, the way I always did before moving here.


What I love about Arizona is the wildlife: migrating birds of all kinds, javelinas, coyotes, etc.

Also, in some places, especially near the mountains, there's a pervasive feeling of deep spirituality, as if it's resonating from the earth itself. IDK how else to describe it.

Muddling through...