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I realize that many of you have had bad experiences with deliveries, so I thought I'd share my good experience? All of my packages have been on time, whether UPS, USPS or FedEx I have received my goods sooner than expected and in good condition. I received 2 packages this AM. and the young woman delivering for USPS was running all over the neighborhood in temps in the teens with freezing wind.She was so pleasant, and I thanked her for all she did. I know it's their job, but all of these delivery services are working their legs off, in crummy weather conditions.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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They have a very hard job, especially  during this time of the year


I have great respect for them

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I had a couple things from QVC ship out the 11th and were  delivered today.    I’ve been pleased this year with deliveries.   I’m waiting for a few more things but they should get here by the end of the week 


I’m done shopping online.  I wouldn’t risk it this close now 

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Registered: ‎12-10-2016

Since UPS has started handing over packages to the USPS, yes, their job is a lot harder. With people ordering so many things online, they have a lot more packages to deliver.


When my husband was a rural mail carrier, he would have to deliver baby chicks in the spring. Also, crickets to the bait shops. So when people on these boards complain, I ask my husband, just how things are suppose to be done.


I have tried to explain to people how the rules work but if they don't go to the postmaster then they can't complain.

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UPS and others warn that holiday deliveries are already falling behind


If it seems like your online orders are arriving later than expected, you’re not alone.


An influx of online purchases — particularly during Cyber Monday, the busiest online shopping day in U.S. history — is testing the limits of carriers including UPS, despite heavy investment in new warehouses and seasonal employees. Americans spent a record $6.59 billion online on Cyber Monday, according to data from Adobe Analytics.


The number of late deliveries typically doubles during the holidays, leading to headaches for shoppers and retailers alike, according to data from, an Orlando-based start-up that tracks shipment delays.


UPS, the world’s largest delivery company, warned last week that some deliveries would be delayed by one or two days, as staffers worked extended hours to manage the rush. UPS expects its holiday load to rise 5 percent, to 750 million packages, this holiday season, while FedEx says it’s planning for up to 400 million parcels.


And pilots who deliver for DHL and Amazon’s Prime Air say they are already experiencing delays, which are likely to grow worse in coming weeks. (Jeffrey P. Bezos, the founder and chief executive of Amazon, owns The Washington Post.)


(part of the article from the washington post....12/12/17)

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I just received a package from QVC  and I'm so happy with my new Susan Graver jacket.  Yes the mail carriers are working extremely hard. My only complaint is please get the correct address: I live on Place and a few packages have gone to Avenue. 

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Registered: ‎04-14-2013

My deliveries have all gone smoothly, though I did a lot of early ordering (some, when there was free shipping, I had gift wrapped when it was an option, and then did bill-to ship-to.  That has worked well).


Can't complain.  I have one package en route that I mailed on Monday, and it's due to arrive at it's final destination very soon.  It took about 10 minutes to get through the PO line.


The mail, UPS, and FedEx folks who deliver here are stellar.  We are in an old established area without tons of road traffic.


I'm all done except for neighbors and some Christmas cards that have yet to be mailed.  Plus, I'm done with my seasonal job so I have the next three months free!!!  (Free of a check, too, but I planned for that).😋🎄


Happy holidays!

Cogito ergo sum
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I have ordered a few things from the Q this holiday season and all have arrived in a timely fashion. I only have one more thing coming and it is for me so if it takes a few extra days it won't matter.

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Registered: ‎11-20-2010

Our post office is doing an exceptional job.  I have even seen a Hertz rental truck delivering in our neighborhood.  The other day when I checked my order status for tracking, I saw received by the post office. 


When the mail came and not the package, I just figured it would show up in the  next day mail delivery (about noon).   The next morning when I opened the door (very early) there was my package on my glider.  It must have been delivered very late the night before.


Someone was working late and the weather was cold.  Delivery people have a hard job.  They are out in extreme heat, bitter cold, heavy rain, snow.  I appreciate them and sure can't complain.

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Posts: 475
Registered: ‎10-05-2011

What a nice thread!! I cannot say enough good things about our USPS delivery person (Michelle), or our regular UPS delivery guy (Anthony) or our alternate UPS delivery guy (Mike). Year round our packages are either handed to my husband if he is outside, or placed nicely on our front porch, hidden behind our shrubs where they are not readily visible from the street. 



Holiday Hugs. . .

Life is tough, but I am tougher!!