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Today would of been my  Dads 98th birthday, we lost him 3 years ago 3 weeks after he turned 95, I miss him every day

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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A happy remembrance day for your dad. I still miss my dad, too. He passed  26 years ago, age 74.

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I know what you mean: I lost my dad two years ago. He was 92. He was the man in my life and a great dad for his two girls.. My mom is still going strong at age 94.  I hope the memory of your dad made you smile a little today.

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Missing the physical and touching of our love ones is what we definitely miss. It is the feeling of not seeing them.

Within our hearts, and withing our souls we have them. They walk besides us everyday.

Sometimes we can see something and close our eyes and see their presence.

It hurts. Love hurts. When you hurt you grow to understand just how much you were loved and loved.

As for myself, I buy a balloon and write I love you. I watch it soar into the heavens until I can no longer see it. It is a peaceful moment.


Blessings to you on this day.

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Bless you for remembering.  The memory I have of today is that my mother passed away on Dec. 3, 1993.  I have very good memories of her and our Christmas day how she cooked and always made my Christmas happy.

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I was raised by my bio-dad's cousin, who was born Dec. 3, 1904.  She passed Dec 23, 1997.

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I lost my dad in July due to complications of Covid. Yesterday would’ve been his 93rd birthday.  


For those who’ve posted of loss here, I’d like to send you all a hug. This year has been so difficult. I try to take solace in my belief that Dad is reunited with Mom and my brother in heaven. Still it’s hard. I guess it always will be.

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I lost my mom 20 years ago.  She was 59.  Her bithday is next week. She would have been 80!  I miss her a lot.  I’m blessed to still have my dad and treasure him.  Hugs to all.


Christmas time was always extra special, with lots of many happy memories.  So I know that is why I love Christmas so much.  I’m so thankful for the family life I had growing up.  We didn’t have much, but we had enough, so it was wonderful!  I know many that didn’t get to experience that, so I am blessed!