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Re: Dead Mouse In Bathroom

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Last year our dog came inside and dropped a rabbit's head at the foot of our bed. I was shocked! I had to have my husband dispose of it. We don't know if she killed it or something else did and she decided we would want to see it. Our dog will chase any rabbit,chipmunk,mole and yes even birds! 

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@embgm wrote:

Last year our dog came inside and dropped a rabbit's head at the foot of our bed. I was shocked! I had to have my husband dispose of it. We don't know if she killed it or something else did and she decided we would want to see it. Our dog will chase any rabbit,chipmunk,mole and yes even birds! 



@embgm   Oh my gosh!  I would have had a heart attack!

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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@NickNack wrote:


@1Snickers wrote:

 @NickNack   I asked my veterinarian if the poison traps could hurt dogs. He said if they eat them or the mice that gets them. 
  In the winter they have come in the garage. I found a plastic trap that closes and keeps them inside, quick kill & no poison. 



@1Snickers   The traps are in the very back of my cabinets where my dog and cat can't get.  I asked the pest control man about my pets eating the dead mice.  He said that the poison that they use is a human drug (I think it was an anticoagulant).  He said the little bit that the mouse can get wouldn't hurt my cat or dog.  He said that isn't what all poison is, but it's what they use.  I don't think either one of my pets would eat a dead mouse (or a live oneI) anyway, but I did worry about that.

        @NickNack  To be safe you could ask your veterinarian to be certain the poison traps are safe. Better safe than sorry!  


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@1Snickers wrote:


@NickNack wrote:


@1Snickers wrote:

 @NickNack   I asked my veterinarian if the poison traps could hurt dogs. He said if they eat them or the mice that gets them. 
  In the winter they have come in the garage. I found a plastic trap that closes and keeps them inside, quick kill & no poison. 



@1Snickers   The traps are in the very back of my cabinets where my dog and cat can't get.  I asked the pest control man about my pets eating the dead mice.  He said that the poison that they use is a human drug (I think it was an anticoagulant).  He said the little bit that the mouse can get wouldn't hurt my cat or dog.  He said that isn't what all poison is, but it's what they use.  I don't think either one of my pets would eat a dead mouse (or a live oneI) anyway, but I did worry about that.

        @NickNack  To be safe you could ask your veterinarian to be certain the poison traps are safe. Better safe than sorry!  




@1Snickers   That's a good idea.  I'll do that!  Thank you.  

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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As a much decorated veteran of this war, be VERY careful of poisoning your fur babies.  You know they are clever, but man you can't guess how clever.


And, if you have seen one, there are more.

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@NickNack wrote:

@EatWell wrote:



Mice and rats have been invading property due Covid-19 shutdown of restaurants, their reliable food source. 

Do you hear any scurrying inside your walls?

The mice have probably reproduced offspring.

If yes, you will probably need to hire a professional exterminator.

Good luck.


Stay safe. Stay home.”


~Put food in front of me, and I will eat it.~



@EatWell   I don't live near any restaurants, so my house wouldn't be a likely place for them to go if a restaurant closed.  The restaurants here are open though.  I don't hear scurrying in my walls.  There are only maybe three droppings in my bathroom cabinet that I saw.


If I see another mouse or see more droppings I will definitely call the pest control company again.  I'm not going to try trapping them myself.  I'm hoping there's still poison in the bait boxes and that's what killed the mouse.  Hopefully getting the holes patched securely and the remaining poison in the boxes will take care of the problem.


I just absolutely hate that this is a weekend.  I know there are more mice though.  There's never just one.

I know how you feel because you sound exactly like me when it comes to rodents!  I can not stand them.  I have a pest control company come to my house once a month to check all of my outside and inside bait stations.  I like poison because the rodents carry the poison back to their nests.  In my area, we have so much construction going on, tearing down and rebuilding schools, and empty buildings being renovated, it's a real problem.  The County comes and sprays every once in while, but the spraying does nothing.  

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The good news is the one you saw was dead. The only scurrying we have in our walls are squirrels. It’s a constant battle.
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Re: Dead Mouse In Bathroom

[ Edited ]

@NickNack As I learned from experience, steel wool doesn't really work, nor does Brillo pads.  Their teeth are so sharp they can chew right thru them and that includes packing tape.  Had problem with mice two years ago and it was not fun.  The electronic traps that electrocute them do work as long as you can stomach opening them up to discard of the corpse.  What I did find that worked was copper mesh that I ordered from Amazon.  Comes in a roll and you just stuff it around openings.  Supposedly mice do not like the taste of copper.  Anyway, it did work for me.


I had my annual check-up for the central air system and when the tech was checking the outside condenser she (yes, a woman tech, neat) asked if I saw her jump back because she saw a mice nest (unoccupied) in the electric box for the unit which is covered but boy give mice a small crack and they will find it.

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Re: Dead Mouse In Bathroom

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@chlema wrote:

@NickNack As I learned from experience, steel wool doesn't really work, nor does Brillo pads.  Their teeth are so sharp they can chew right thru them and that includes packing tape.  Had problem with mice two years ago and it was not fun.  The electronic traps that electrocute them do work as long as you can stomach opening them up to discard of the corpse.  What I did find that worked was copper mesh that I ordered from Amazon.  Comes in a roll and you just stuff it around openings.  Supposedly mice do not like the taste of copper.  Anyway, it did work for me.


I had my annual check-up for the central air system and when the tech was checking the outside condenser she (yes, a woman tech, neat) asked if I saw her jump back because she saw a mice nest (unoccupied) in the electric box for the unit which is covered but boy give mice a small crack and they will find it.



Thank you @chlema !  I just ordered some, and it will be here Monday.  I've got to get a handyman to do some other things for me soon, and I plan to have him seal it with something permanent if he can.  

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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ok. let me just say this.. mice are cute.. but not when they're running around in your house. and not when they multuply like roaches.. i keep a clean house.. but when you see a mouse running around, its a totally different story. in 2 weeks i caught at least 8 or maybe more in the snap traps.. i never thought it was going to end... i had no issues killing them. they're in my clean house.. i read how dirty they are, and how they carry diseases... cute in a pet shop yes.. but not a family of them multiplying in your house.. i have no problem killing them. just like squirrels. they're cute.. but do you want them in your house.. i havent seen 1 in over a yr. and i will always keep the bait out, just in case.  i have no animals to eat the bait blocks, so for me its safe... i have a clean house.. stay out mice.. when i was catching them left and right... i felt so dirty, even though my place is clean.. it was sickening.. cute in a pet shop!