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My Aunt had a mouse that came in from the dryer vent that leads outside.  It made a nest there in the lint.  Her son cleaned it out.  Yuck.  

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 @NickNack   I asked my veterinarian if the poison traps could hurt dogs. He said if they eat them or the mice that gets them. 
  In the winter they have come in the garage. I found a plastic trap that closes and keeps them inside, quick kill & no poison. 

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Registered: ‎03-29-2019

Please don't use poison to get rid of mice!




If a mouse eats the poison, then another animal eats that mouse, ( cat, owl, etc), then they too ingest the poison.



You could be inadvertently be killing another innocent animal with the poison.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Ugh, I hate mice.....

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@Anonymous032819 wrote:

Please don't use poison to get rid of mice!




If a mouse eats the poison, then another animal eats that mouse, ( cat, owl, etc), then they too ingest the poison.



You could be inadvertently be killing another innocent animal with the poison.

very true.. but i have no animals. i used the snap traps alot.. it would scare me to death when they went off  lol would wake me up out of a sound sleep.. got rid of them and i was tired of putting them around where people could see them! and if i had someone over to sleep or stay i dont want them snapping.. how embarrising would that be  lol... yes there;s the risk of them dying and smelling.. i havent had that yet thank god.. but the ones that ate it, sure did enjoy it!  i put the bait blocks all around and you cant see them.. i use to use the walk in traps and put the bait in those.. but stopped after awhile.. would they really "go in" them. easier access for them to just smell it out and eat it out in the open.. knock on wood none in the past yr.. but its not cold out either... 

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That would be my concern, too!

(Poison traps). 

I have a friend, whose dog ate a mouse that had been poisoned, they saved their dogs life, only because, they saw the dog get the mouse, and, then, started getting sick, very soon after. 

They rushed him to the Vet.  It was touch and go, and very expensive! 

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I would never use poison to kill mice or any other animal.  If a dog, cat or even a bird ate the dead mouse, it would ingest the poison and it's a horrible way to die.  (The animal - including the mouse - bleeds to death internally.)


I use Victor Electonic mouse traps, whenever I have a problem.  Very effective, a quick kill and no potential harm to any of my cats.

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Registered: ‎03-29-2019

@bonnie f wrote:

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

Please don't use poison to get rid of mice!




If a mouse eats the poison, then another animal eats that mouse, ( cat, owl, etc), then they too ingest the poison.



You could be inadvertently be killing another innocent animal with the poison.

very true.. but i have no animals. i used the snap traps alot.. it would scare me to death when they went off  lol would wake me up out of a sound sleep.. got rid of them and i was tired of putting them around where people could see them! and if i had someone over to sleep or stay i dont want them snapping.. how embarrising would that be  lol... yes there;s the risk of them dying and smelling.. i havent had that yet thank god.. but the ones that ate it, sure did enjoy it!  i put the bait blocks all around and you cant see them.. i use to use the walk in traps and put the bait in those.. but stopped after awhile.. would they really "go in" them. easier access for them to just smell it out and eat it out in the open.. knock on wood none in the past yr.. but its not cold out either... 







You may not have any animals, but what if that mouse that are the poison, gets outside and a stray cat eats it, or an owl, or a fox?




The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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I didn't read every response so this may have already been suggested.  However, in the meantime before the exterminator gets to your home, plug the holes with steel wool.  You can usually purchase large bags pretty inexpensively at Home Depot, etc. If you can't get out, use Brillo pads. 

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Re: Dead Mouse In Bathroom

[ Edited ]

I'm sure this isn't a popular opinion but I would use a catch and release trap for a mouse or rat.   It really bothers me to kill any creature.  


When my husband had to clean out his parents house after his mother passed away he found out that a small room that his father had built on to the house and used as a storage room had a mother raccoon and babies inside. His father had passed away many years earlier and his mother had never gone into the room. Somehow momma raccoon had found a way to get in and felt it was safe for her babies.  My husband called an animal control company to remove them.    We both assumed that they would trap them and release them into the many wooded areas surrounding the house.  


Fortunately the day before they were to come to the house we found out that they were just going to kill both mom and babies.   That was totally unacceptable to us.  What we did was turn on loud music in the shed and leave the door open.  The next morning they were gone.  We watched on the cameras and saw mom take each baby in her mouth and one by one she carried them across the street and into the woods.  She had five babies altogether and it was so heartwarming to see how she cared for them.  


Even though I don't care for raccoons because I'm slightly afraid of them, there was no way that I could have ever allowed them to be killed like that.


The company had given my husband a business card with a picture of a raccoon on it so a few days after mom and babies moved away he took the card and handed it to me.  On it he had written the words coming from the raccoon's mouth "thank you for saving my life".    I still have the card sitting on our desk.  I smile everytime I look at it.