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Dead Mouse In Bathroom

[ Edited ]

I had just finished brushing my teeth and turned around to look at Ava, my dog.  There was a dead mouse in front of her.  I didn't see it when I went in the bathroom, but it could have been there.  I got Ava out of the bathroom and closed the door.  I got a grocery bag and a lot of paper towels and picked it up and took it outside to the trash can.


I saw a couple of mouse drippings in my bathroom cabinet and a hole beside the pipe.  The hole had been caulked the last time I saw a mouse (about five years ago), and the caulk had worn away.  I stuffed a steel wool pad in the hole as best as I could.


I will call a handyman on Monday to come and really seal the hole well.  I hate mice!  I've lived in this house for 30 years, and have seen a mouse three times.  The first time was right after I moved in.  It was a new house, and they had probably come in when the house was being built.  Then about five years ago I saw one and set traps but never got one.  I called a pest control company to come and set poison bait traps.  He set them in the very back of all the cabinets and in the air return vent.  They are in plastic containers.  He said they should last for a long time.  


Maybe the poison is still working and that's what killed the mouse.  I'll have a hard time walking in the bathroom in the middle of the night.  I hate mice!


My house is clean, and there is no food left out at all.


Edited to add:  The poison bait trap is a block of human blood thinner.  The pest control man told me that the tiny bit that the mouse would eat would not kill my cat or dog if they ate the mouse.  I don't think either of my pets would eat a mouse.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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ughhh good luck.. i had them last yr.. i bought my own poison blocks and put them around my house.. i think i know where they were coming in.. at 1st they were eating the poison.. then they stopped. hope thats what killed them.. but who knows. as long as im not seeing them in here. when there's one there's 10.. 

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Hopefully, the handyman can fix the situation so no more mice surprise  you.


I could never throw one of God's little creatures in the trash.  I always take the time to bury them in my back yard. 





"We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles." - J. Carter
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@bonnie f wrote:

ughhh good luck.. i had them last yr.. i bought my own poison blocks and put them around my house.. i think i know where they were coming in.. at 1st they were eating the poison.. then they stopped. hope thats what killed them.. but who knows. as long as im not seeing them in here. when there's one there's 10.. 



@bonnie f   I know.  That's what I'm afraid of.  I have seen my cat looking intently at the floor lately.  I wondered if he had seen a mouse, but I never saw one until the dead one today.  There is still the plastic bait trap under the sink, but I don't know if there's any poison left in it.  That may be how he died unless my dog got it when I was brushing my teeth.  I didn't notice her doing anything though.


I put steel wool through the hole and just went and got packing tape to tape it down.  I found another hole below the one I stuffed the steel wool in and tried to tape it.  It's in an awkward position and I can't get to it very well.  I put packing tape over the hole though.  I wish tomorrow wasn't Saturday.  I'm very anxious to get the holes filled/patched.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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You'd think with cats I'd have no mice in the house. Wrong. But I bought an electric mouse trap and loved it. No poison, no glue trap. It electrocutes the mouse with high voltage. 


Thankfully, it's been over a year since there've been any mice in the house. 

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Having just gone through a problem with mice in hubby's SUV, I'm not real fond of the little poison traps. Long story short, I went to Home Depot and bought a package of mouse traps (where you put a little food on the trap - hubby used peanut butter), as well as the little boxes with poison in them and put both in his SUV on the floor. The mouse trap caught one mouse overnight and we got rid of it.


The poison trap had been nibbled on, but we couldn't find the 2nd mouse. Fast forward a couple of days and the odor was getting intense! We had the SUV thoroughly cleaned and the guy found the dead mouse under a layer of carpet. Honestly, I would not have found it. The moral of my story is that the mouse traps are quick, easy and the mouse doesn't have time to hide/die. We are still fighting the odor from that blasted dead mouse that ate the poison and then burrowed under carpet to die!~ No more poison traps here!

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Mice and rats have been invading property due Covid-19 shutdown of restaurants, their reliable food source. 

Do you hear any scurrying inside your walls?

The mice have probably reproduced offspring.

If yes, you will probably need to hire a professional exterminator.

Good luck.


Stay safe. Stay home.”


~Put food in front of me, and I will eat it.~

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Re: Dead Mouse In Bathroom

[ Edited ]

@EatWell wrote:



Mice and rats have been invading property due Covid-19 shutdown of restaurants, their reliable food source. 

Do you hear any scurrying inside your walls?

The mice have probably reproduced offspring.

If yes, you will probably need to hire a professional exterminator.

Good luck.


Stay safe. Stay home.”


~Put food in front of me, and I will eat it.~



@EatWell   I don't live near any restaurants, so my house wouldn't be a likely place for them to go if a restaurant closed.  The restaurants here are open though.  I don't hear scurrying in my walls.  There are only maybe three droppings in my bathroom cabinet that I saw.


If I see another mouse or see more droppings I will definitely call the pest control company again.  I'm not going to try trapping them myself.  I'm hoping there's still poison in the bait boxes and that's what killed the mouse.  Hopefully getting the holes patched securely and the remaining poison in the boxes will take care of the problem.


I just absolutely hate that this is a weekend.  I know there are more mice though.  There's never just one.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Ugg!  I'm with you on this one.  Good luck on getting rid of them.

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@NickNack    You need to have a talk with Henry.  Useless feline!



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