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Re: Day # 3 Still No Cigarettes

@CalminHeart wrote:

Congratulations on quitting!!  It's a difficult thing to do so be sure to praise yourself a lot.


I quit in 1981 and know one puff would take my right back to my 2.5 pack a day habit.  However, I've told my kids and family that I will stop and buy a pack if a doctor tells me I'm terminal and there is no treatment.


 Read my post, she can not keep on trying,right now.


When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Day # 3 Still No Cigarettes

[ Edited ]

Plaid Pants2, I am so sorry to hear such sad news.  My thoughts and prayers are with your son and your family to stay strong during this difficult time.

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Re: Day # 3 Still No Cigarettes

Congrats and keep up the good work. I missed your other posts but I just wanted to wish you well in quiting.


(It took me 4 tries or more until I finally quit for good about 15 years ago. It was the hardest thing I ever did but you CAN do it so don't give up! Good luck!).

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Registered: ‎03-23-2010

Re: Day # 3 Still No Cigarettes

Just don't backslide - YOU can do this.  My father-in-law started smoking at age 9.  AT 79 his doc told him again that his BP was too high, lungs were congested, etc.  The doctor said "Quit smoking or don't bother coming back to see me.  You are wasting your money and my time.  I can be helping a patient who will do what it takes to stay healthy"


Well, Papa went home threw his half pack of cigarettes away and has never smoked another cigarette.  HE SMOKED FOR 70 YEARS!.  He is now 84, has normal BP, lungs are pretty clear and feels great.  BTW he did not gain a bunch of weight. 


Keep up the good work,  It is very hard for some but you can succeed!!  Best of luck to you.

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Day # 3 Still No Cigarettes

Nicotine addiction withdrawl can be as difficult as heroin addiction withdrawl.  


I give you credit for going cold turkey.   If it were me, I'd probably taper off with nicotine gum or patches or Chantix ... or something.   


Truth is, the best way to quit is whatever works ....  sending you good thoughts.