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@RetRN wrote:

With this strike, the devastation from Helene, and the fighting in some parts of the world I would hope the powers that be would consider stepping up and doing their jobs. 


@RetRN   @KKlim 


Even when "the powers that be" are doing their jobs, there are still things that can't be controlled by anyone's top people.  


You can't stop wars in other countries, prevent hurricanes (no, you can't nuke them)  or prevent strikes.    


BTW, the west coast dock workers aren't on strike.  They are working, as usual.


See post #13.   @bikerbabe  is right about this.  






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I kinda think that others (scabs) will take up the responsibiities.  I'm sure there are many immigrants both legal and the many illegal that will offer their labor and services to fill the jobs and do what needs to be done.  Might be interesting on how this is resolved. 

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If it affects sales by Temu then not quite a bad thing.  Less government in our lives is the best to me.  They wanted a Union then deal with having a Union. 

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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This affects EVERYTHING that isn't grown or made in the USA and doesn't need to be shipped to you! 



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[ Edited ]

@Shanus : Well my SIL called yesterday afternoon  and stated they would strike and FedEx had already pulled all of their trucks. She insisted that I go ahead and stock up on paper products and bread.🙄😯 I was waiting until today and order my  needed items from Sam's Club. I just hate that some people are spreading false information and causing panic. 

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First strike by this Union since 1977 and asking for a 77% pay increase over 6 years I believe.  

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@Bhvbum wrote:

Companies have been preparing for this for the last month, and this is mostly imported goods, cars, raw materials.


I can't think of a single thing that I need even for the next six months that I won't be able to find an alternative.  


p.s. The biggest manufacturer of toilet paper is in the US 

@Bhvbum.  I can think of something I'll need that can't be stored, and thats bananas.  I must eat one large one daily for the potassium.  A drug I take depletes potassium so I must get my banana.  Other fruits and veggies contain it but not in sufficient quanity.


With the outrageous demands the dock workers are making, it may be a long and costly strike.

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@Zhills wrote:

This affects EVERYTHING that isn't grown or made in the USA and doesn't need to be shipped to you! 



@Zhills - did you mean to say everything that needs to be shipped to you?

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@We rescue cats wrote:

@Bhvbum what a time to have been without the Sears catalog, LOL!!!





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Many goods from China come into west coast ports.

East coast has some from Asia, many cars, South America goods like produce (bananas!), coffee, some electronics. Of course, some holiday goods.