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It's cold.  I think I'll stay inside.


My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022

Hello beautiful deer friends!  Hugs to all of you and especially hugs to sweetheart Willow! Stay warm cutie.  

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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022

5 beautiful mamas and 2 sweet babies!

They all definitely look happy to see you and trusting, knowing good things are in store!🥕

And Willow is not having any of it today!😄 My sentiments, Willow! It is a lovely day to stay inside and take a very nice nap!


Most nights I have a mother and baby deer and sometimes more in the woods. I always look over the fence on the hill and say hi. When I talk to them their ears come up and they stop and listen. They don't run away anymore but I think they must think of me as a non threatening curiosity. I tell them how glad I am to see them in a sing song kind of voice. It never fails to make me feel so amazed to see them. They are so beautiful.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022

The Does are hungry for carrots.  Nice showing today -- large group.  Willow, girl, you get more adorable every day.

kindness is strength
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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022

Willow says 'Where is my doggie sweater Mama?'.


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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022

It is ladies day at the Wick haven, time to eat, drink and be in a safe quiet area to enjoy. The photos are full of nature and her gifts, the fawn so sweet and looking curious and timid.  It is as always a good feeling knowing the forest friends are being treated to a meal, kindness and care.  Nature smiles as do all of us!


Willow White looking like a princess, growing cuter and  sweeter in every photo. What an addition to a loving home!!!!

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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022

Yes!  Very cold!  Little Willow needs a cute coat to wear to go out in this weather!  But she has the right idea - stay in and be comfy and cozy!  HeartHeart

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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022

@MamaWick   Can you see the big smile on my face?  Love the posing of your herd and wee Miss Willow.  

I don't know if the deer are vocalizing or chewing, but beautiful none the less.  

Woofs and hugs to Miss Willow White.  Cutie pie, you've got the right idea, stay inside wrapped in a warm blanket.  Smoochies to you. 😘


Woofs and love to sweet Cricket in heaven. 💕🌈

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022

The deer have very curious looks on their faces and seem to be thoroughly enjoying their feeding. Willow's cute and cozy. Always enjoy your pics.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: DEER Wednesday 02/23/2022


Ladies & Babies Day.  You have quite the herd today.  They just reak of adorableness.  Posing for your photos just comes natural to them now.  They manage to pose & munch at the same time.  LOL


Sweet Willow:  of course your little body can't take cold weather, so enjoy the comfort of your cozy blanket.  Hope you had loads of snuggling time.


Thanks for sharing.