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DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

Throwback Thursday 









My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

Whether photos of the past or present, this post is always a delightful photo trip to nature's gifts.  The first two photos are amazing, looks like dance class at the Haven!!!!!  Fun and joy along with kindness and care , the deer so safe and happy at the Wick's.


How sweet and cute , little Willow White snuggled in her red blanket.  She seemed to be right at home when she arrived at the Wick's, it's the love in the air!  

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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

@MamaWick   Dancing deer!  How magnificent.   Your pictures are always worthy of being published in National Geographic or another wildlife magazine/book!

I can view and appreciate them again and again.  Thank you.  

Woofs and hugs to Miss Willow White!  What an adorable little peanut.  🥰. It's cold here, and how I would love to cuddle with her.  Smooches.  


Woofs and love to sweet Cricket in heaven. 💕🌈

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

Oh my!  The girls are definitely having a spat.....look at those ears all laid back and boxing.  I bet you see all kinds of deer behaviors many never witness and capture images of them.

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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

Love these - hooves are being kicked up and some are already dancing machines!


Little Willow sleeps deeply and peacefully, The blue bone collar is adorable.

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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

Amazing! I saw these on your facebook page.. The girls playing.... so cute.... 

the first one  of him with the one foot up, I can't believe these pictures... how do you get these pictures.  Love Willow, she was younger here.

Thank you so much... 

Love to you and all.


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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

1st picture -- that Buck is a beauty.  2nd picture -- are they ready to duke it out or just dance with one another,   lol  Here's another Buck proud of his antlers.  Willow, you are so sweet.  That Beauty Sleep is good for you. Cat Wink

kindness is strength
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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

In #2, they were definitely fighting.  The one on the left is actually an immature young buck with a doe on the right.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

Wonderful pictures!  The first one of the buck is unreal!  What a great shot.


So sad so see fighting when they have beauty and love all around them.


That little Willow!  Such a baby doll!  Seepy, seepy!

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Re: DEER Thursday 10/20/2022 - TBT

While Miss Willow stays cuddled up and dreaming, the gals outside are dancing. I can hear David Bowie singing Let's Dance:


 Put on your red shoes and dance the blues, Let's Dance!


They are having a parrrrtyyyyyyy!