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Beautiful photos.  Thank you.


Oh yes, the weather forecast.  We laugh where we live in the Northeast.  The weather predictions are wrong a very high percentage of the times.  We say it is a very unusual job, to make so many mistakes, then keep the job!


Seriously, rain is precious anymore.  I hope you get a gentle, soaking rain soon. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I just love how all these posts end with darling Willow. ❤️🐾❤️🦌🦌

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@MamaWick   I hope you get the rain you need.  It's been a rainy day here in central North Carolina and the forecasters say it will continue for the rest of the week.  Yesterday was so hot here - 91 degrees and humid.  I'm sure it's warmer in Texas.

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Posts: 398
Registered: ‎11-12-2021

There they are... love the one with the antlers growing... amazing.  I have never seen that. They are all so beautiful, where do they get their water from?

Willow looks bored by the whole thing.

Again I can't thank you enough for these wonderful posts....  I need them.

Blessings to you and everyone.









Super Contributor
Posts: 398
Registered: ‎11-12-2021

Is everything okay. There haven't been any new posts since Monday.

Thank you... blessings.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


So, the men joined the ladies once again.  Very nice photos of them all looking at you but my fav one is the last one with the 2 of them lying in the grass, esp. the one hugging up against the tree .. very precious & about ready to conk out.


Sweet Willow's nap time again.  You're like my 2 kitty sisters with their napping.  Wake up with an empty stomach so you can devour your dinner.  Eat well little Miss Beauty.


Thanks for sharing.