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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

Remember me?

I am your long lost daughter and I am getting married next week.Smiley Very Happy


Just kidding.


Congratulations on your DD engagement.Heart


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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

I would contribute exactly the same amount to the next child's wedding.   In a case like this...inflation doesn't come into play. The finances  of the parents are more important and if your income hasn't don't give more to the next wedding. 

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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

I vote for giving the same amount.  It's not as though the couple is in need of money, and it keeps it cleaner and more fair to everyone.  Each child can do whatever they choose with it.  A heartfelt gift from parents shouldn't be calculated with percentages and cost of living.  IMO that takes away from the spirit of the gift.


Why complicate things?


Congratulations to all!

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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

My belief - keep it the same for each.  Even, steven - that's what I try to do with everything.  It's much simpler, than causing a dispute - my father came from a family where nothing was even and believe me when I tell you it destroyed the family.Woman Sad

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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

If your daughter is marrying a man who comes from a wealthy family, your future in-laws may offer to pay for the entire event.

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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

[ Edited ]

@LexPex,  I understand how you feel about the cost of living and giving more but I would give the same amount you gave your first daughter so it does not end up making hurt feelings.  I can never understand why young people want BIG weddings.  They could take the money they receive for a down payment for a house or furniture or a lavish honeymoon.  Cat Very Happy  P.S.  Congratulations!

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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

I could never accept that much money from my parents or in laws.

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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

@occasionalrain wrote:

Ask yourself, what then. Both of your daughters will expect that your younger daughter will get 25k. If you give her more than that an explanation for it will have t be made. Your older daughter may suspect that the inflation story is just an excuse to justify giving her sister more and feel you favor her. Why chance it?


If the older daughter whines, she should be taught something about economics.  It's high time she learned!  Inflation equals buying power.

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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

My DH and I thank you.  Just finished the evening news and read all of your replies.  I agree with the majority of you.  We willl give her the $25,000. You have all made my DH very happy.   His parents are paying for the honeymoon.  Like my other DD, she and her fiancee will buy a home before they are married......have already been looking.   Back in my day, DH and I wanted a home over having a pricey wedding but the kids these days put a lot of stock into expensive hoopla.   They should put all that energy into working hard to stay married.


We have alot of freinds who pay for the full cost which can run 45,000 plus.  People refinance their homes.  We are lucky.....because of scholarships and in one case a state university, we had some left over $$ in their college funds


Thanks are the best

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Re: DD got engaged at Christmas.....would apprieate your opinions about $$$

@ECBG wrote:

According to calculations, $25,000 adjusted to today's inflation is $28,152.91 if you want to gift equal amounts.


Personally, I would offer a nice wedding without being extravatant and let them pay what they chose over that amount.


It would be interesting to know if the first daughter felt that she would repeat the large wedding in retrospect.



@ECBG - you are so efficient.  I was wondering what the $25,000 gift amount would be if inflation was factored in ... Thanks !