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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?

@sailor_moon wrote:

@Sunarrow685 wrote:

really bad 🤑

"worse flattering" sounds like an oxymoron.

Who you callin' a "moron?"


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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?

@MyGirlsMom wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@MyGirlsMom wrote:

The OP is posting about Hillary Clinton



I doubt it .... it's more likely a host or vendor.

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@MyGirlsMom wrote:

The OP is posting about Hillary Clinton



I doubt it .... it's more likely a host or vendor.

Hmmm @Tinkrbl44


I don't know but I'm awfully suspicious of a relative newbie coming straight to community chat with an vague thread and snark towards a mystery woman.


It reminds me of someone..Woman Wink

Nope.  I think you guessed the right woman, @MyGirlsMom.  

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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?

*wink * wink @tansy

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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?

@Sunarrow685 wrote:

really bad 🤑

I didn't realize that she was trying out for a modeling job, or a television anchor job.


Men wear drab suits and crazy looking ties - who notices or cares?

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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?

Oh the games some men like to play....



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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?

[ Edited ]






 Sunarrow685 wrote:

really bad 🤑



I agree. This is the most brain dead thread I have seen here in years. Hello, anyone home?


ETA- I now see that it is hrc. Not much I should say about her. My momma always taught me: "if ya cain't say sumpin good"? Mums the word.




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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?

It's called puce green.

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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?


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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?

I have such a negative reaction to the wording of the question that I just don't care. 

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Re: Could she have picked a worse flattering color?