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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

On 11/10/2014 Joselyn33 said:
On 11/10/2014 GrettaGarbled said:
On 11/10/2014 SmittenKitten said:

Sharia Law:

<p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; line-height: 22.3999996185303px; color: #252525; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px;"> In The Quran it is stated that if an unmarried man or woman commit adultery (sleep with a person they are not married to), the punishment should be 100 lashes.<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference">[2]</sup> In the Hadith the punishment is 100 lashes and banishment for a year, and if a married man or woman commit adultery the punishment should be 100 lashes and then stoning to death.<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference">[3]</sup>

I'm sure I could find many passages in the bible calling for death for breaking laws. To my knowledge, Christians and Jews don't follow those passages literally.

Those passages are from the OT ... we're under the NEW covenant (NT).

Who even cares what the OT says. What is said in the bible and what is practiced are two different things. You don't see Christian countries complaining about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights like Muslim countries. Muslims countries practicing Sharia said UDHR could not be implemented without conflict with Sharia. To mention the Duggars and Sharia is just ignorant. Plain and simple. They may not agree with the gay lifestyle but they aren't killing them. Give me a break. (Not you Joselyn)

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

I get you, Irish. Smiley Happy

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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

Gretta garbles is so embarrassingly ridiculous to use sharia law to make her illogical point about the Duggars. She needs to read up on sharia law before she spouts off.
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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

On 11/10/2014 Autumn in NY said: Gretta garbles is so embarrassingly ridiculous to use sharia law to make her illogical point about the Duggars. She needs to read up on sharia law before she spouts off.



**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

On 11/10/2014 Autumn in NY said: Gretta garbles is so embarrassingly ridiculous to use sharia law to make her illogical point about the Duggars. She needs to read up on sharia law before she spouts off.

90% of what she says is ridiculous.

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Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

Sharia Law and Islamic Law are nearly one and the same. In a few localities, Sharia Law has overstepped or misinterpreted Islamic Law.

Females are definitely constricted in their movements, choices, and rights.

The Duggar practice of not allowing the two daughters to be alone without a chaperone is in line with Islamic Law as is obedience to the father who is responsible for the "safety" of daughters and wives.

In some ways, Islam is kinder to females in that Eve is not held responsible for the Fall of Man. They are both held responsible. Females do not give birth in pain because of the Fall and men are instructed to treat them well for the pain they endure in childbirth.

There's a lot more to be read about women, marriage, etc. on line. Fascinating to read about misrepresentations.

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Registered: ‎09-25-2014

Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

On 11/10/2014 Free2be said:

Sharia Law and Islamic Law are nearly one and the same. In a few localities, Sharia Law has overstepped or misinterpreted Islamic Law.

Females are definitely constricted in their movements, choices, and rights.

The Duggar practice of not allowing the two daughters to be alone without a chaperone is in line with Islamic Law as is obedience to the father who is responsible for the "safety" of daughters and wives.

In some ways, Islam is kinder to females in that Eve is not held responsible for the Fall of Man. They are both held responsible. Females do not give birth in pain because of the Fall and men are instructed to treat them well for the pain they endure in childbirth.

There's a lot more to be read about women, marriage, etc. on line. Fascinating to read about misrepresentations.

Well said. Some folks just don't want to look at the similarities in the rigid beliefs and practices shared by completely different religions.
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Registered: ‎06-20-2010

Re: Congratulations Jessa and Ben!

To interject Sharia into this thread was just idiotic.