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@goldensrbest wrote:

Maybe i am not understanding some of you, but world war two,was so worth  us going to fight, how could any one think it was not? T he iraq war ,was a mistake, i think, but when it comes to going in to syria, us sending in ground troups, i am not for, at least not now, putin really does worry me,he is not killing isis, the news says.I do think,going into some middle east countries, is not good, but do think that Israel is the key ,we should stand by them,however, the deal with iran, is not going against Israel, i think no matter what, it is just a matter of time,before all hell breaks out over there.

You think the deal with Iran a country that has periodically stated death to Israel is not going against them? Giving them a blank check to do whatever they want is a good thing?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Concern About Syria

[ Edited ]

Yes, I agree putin hates us, and yes we have to be on Israel side, putin wants control,that is why he is in Syria, I think Israel will do something,and that is when everything happens, and we must be on their side.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I think, iran is going to do what we all fear,no matter what,the deal is just be delay it.
When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@goldensrbest wrote:
Yes, I agree putin hates us, and yes we have to be on Israel side, putin wants control,that is why he is in Syria, I think Israel we do something,and that is when everything happens, and we must be on their side.

Technically the deal with Iran keeps us from being on the side of Israel. So again you didn't answer my question.

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How ?
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I said,i think it is to just delay,what will happen, I think we are dam if we do,and dam if we don't. I am for Israel!!
When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@Lila Belle wrote:
How ?

Hi Lila Belle I am not sure if this was at my reply but it is interesting info:

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Re: Concern About Syria

[ Edited ]

I say the Whole Middle East needs a total time out.   Force move the whole Middle East for 1,000 years.  Leave that whole area empty.   No one can enter that whole area.   Make it Out Of Limits.  


Make the whole Middle East move all around the world.  Mix all of them up.  No large groups can move together because they will only sit there in their new location and again talk mean things they are going to do to each other later in 1,000 years.  


No group, or country can be called innocent.  The insane actions of all of them needs to stop.   For the peace of earth.  


Only then maybe all of the the Middle East will stop their insane fighting.  They have to be forced to stop.  Forced.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

I say the Whole Middle East needs a total time out.   Force move the whole Middle East for 1,000 years.  Leave that whole area empty.   No one can enter that whole area.   Make it Out Of Limits.  


Make the whole Middle East move all around the world.  Mix all of them up.  No large groups can move together because they will only sit there in their new location and again talk mean things they are going to do to each other later in 1,000 years.  


No group, or country can be called inncent.  The insane actions of all of them needs to stop.   For the peace of earth.  


Only then maybe all of the the Middle East will stop their insane fighting.  They have to be forced to stop.  Forced.

Well thank G-d you have no say in this matter. We have refugees now who have no place to go. I doubt you are serious but why would you make people move from their homeland?

Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,492
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

I say the Whole Middle East needs a total time out.   Force move the whole Middle East for 1,000 years.  Leave that whole area empty.   No one can enter that whole area.   Make it Out Of Limits.  


Make the whole Middle East move all around the world.  Mix all of them up.  No large groups can move together because they will only sit there in their new location and again talk mean things they are going to do to each other later in 1,000 years.  


No group, or country can be called inncent.  The insane actions of all of them needs to stop.   For the peace of earth.  


Only then maybe all of the the Middle East will stop their insane fighting.  They have to be forced to stop.  Forced.

That makes no sense.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.