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Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

Porcelain dolls. I bought so many forty years ago, just because I loved them. Now it has become necessary to downsize and I am having to let them go. It makes me so sad because I loved each one. I paid a good penny for some and others were gifts. I took a bunch to our local cancer charity and I knew what a mistake it was. I tried to let them know to look on the necks to see the artists and I had the papers on most of them. I went back two times afterward and never even saw one of them in the store. I also left a few of Dennis's faux furs which were beautiful and barely used. They priced them at 20 bucks a piece. Hard to let some things go.
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Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

Thre's a market for some collectibles , If you are lucky to find a buyer willing to part with  their money


 I think most who buy old collectibles are people who already have a collection  and want to add to it.


No collectibles , but have boxes of glassware  and dishes from my Mother  that will remain boexed till I find others who want the stuff.

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Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

I have one Boyd's Bear figurine. In the nineties I collected some of them. It was fun to look for the signature paw 🐾 print hidden on each one 

Sparty Fan
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Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

Beanie Babies, I loved hunting for them. Such fun memories so I don't regret collecting them. We don't have many left because I've given them away. Our son didn't want them.
I do regret collecting Marie Osmond dolls. I had about 40. I only have kept a few for my granddaughter and given the rest away. Two hit the trash. One's foot broke just setting her on the bed. The other One's hair I never brushed was a mess. I think it was one of her first One's.
I do collect Christmas Disney decorations. And continue to. Our grandchildren love all the musical ones. Hopefully when they get older they'll have wonderful memories of Nana's during Christmas.
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Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

[ Edited ]

@Neetgal2 wrote:

I started a collection of president spoons.  The reason I started this was I found eight spoons in a drawer at my grandmother's house. I don't remember where they came from possibly cereal or soap boxes back in maybe the 40s. I started going to flea markets and got the whole set. I bought a spoon rack for the wall and started buying the current ones from the silver manufacturer. I do not have them anymore. I gave them to a thrift shop. My daughter did not want them. I could clean them and put them back up in order, but the cleaning girl had a cheat sheet inside the dining room, hutch!

I had a Beatrice Potter collection in my daughter's room of all the characters from the books. That is also gone. She did not want it.


Also, had a collection of Royal Dalton Christmas plates that I put out each Christmas on a plate rack that lined the dining room.


I collected way too many things. They were gifts. I did not buy them, my husband or parents did.


As a child, I was given silver charms for a bracelet, it became two.  I stopped when my husband bought me a gold one.  

Beatrix Potter, Royal Doulton

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Registered: ‎01-25-2023

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

I had a collection of NWF Baby animals, not sure where it even is today, probably in a box in the attic. . .
My brother that died earlier this year had a large Hummel figurine collection of which he was so proud, most likely one of his ex-wives had or has it, hope it is worth something for whoever has it...they deserve it.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
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Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

I collected Porcelian dolls and I still have most of them and love them.  Also collected Bradford plates and have some of my favorites (a set of 12 line a plate rack above my kitchen cabinets)  Also Seraphym Angels which I also still have.


I am also a jewelry collector and have way too much and thinking now at the late stage in my life what to do with it as kids and grands are not into it and would not appreciate having to deal with it.


Yes it would be nice to have some of the money I spent back, but I love what I consider beautiful things.

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Registered: ‎03-02-2016

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

[ Edited ]

It is always strange to me to hear that people purchase collections for the purpose of resale. I never have. My collection of Lladro figures were purchased and gifted for the sole purpose of beautiful artwork. Something to be appreciated and the happiness it brings me. Won’t be selling any of them. They have come with me through all our moves. Never bought with the intention to sell, don’t care how much they have gone up or down in price.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

I miss the doll and bear shows on hsn and qvc.  I'll bet Marybeth does too. I collected artist bears and antique teddies in the 90's. They brought me much pleasure over the years when I was an empty nester. Most of my artist bears have been rehomed via eBay, but I still have many of my antique bears dating back to the early 1920's. They still have value. My kids can do whatever they want with them when I'm gone. I also have a curio cabinet full of Lladro which belonged to my mom. I never bought any of it, but she loved that line and was a world traveler so I still enjoy looking at her little treasures. The older I get the more sentimental I am. I realize younger generations travel a different minimalistic path, but I need to hold on to my memories of better times. 

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Collectibles that are not popular now.

I have never started collecting anything on  my own.  It was always some sort of gift, then word got out about that gift, and more gifts came over the years.  Was never interested in any of it. They are either boxed in the basement or donated.

~ "Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth." ~ George Orwell, 1984