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Colbert After The Super Bowl

I enjoyed seeing Megyn Kelly out of her element.  She did well, imo.


I cannot stand Will Farrell, and his animal expert bit was awful, also imo. 


Anyone else have thoughts on the show?



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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl

Pretty much a throw-away program last night.  Best part was Megan Kelly interview at end of show.

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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl

I didn't see the show, but ITA about Ferrell.   I don't mind some weird comedy, but he comes across, for me anyway, as icky-weird - off putting I guess you could say.


I like Colbert, though, but haven't managed to see his new show.  I need to look into that!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl

I don't care for Colbert and never watch him...but my MSN page had a few sound bites from his show and that i just watched..i thought they were good...i am not a Will Farrell fan but his segment was pretty funny....the monolgue was cute and i only saw a small bit of Kelly which i liked, too...



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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

Pretty much a throw-away program last night.  Best part was Megan Kelly interview at end of show.



I thought so, too.  I found the Kelly interview the most interesting, too.

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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl

@chickenbutt wrote:

I didn't see the show, but ITA about Ferrell.   I don't mind some weird comedy, but he comes across, for me anyway, as icky-weird - off putting I guess you could say.


I like Colbert, though, but haven't managed to see his new show.  I need to look into that!  Smiley Happy





CB, you and I have so many things in common!


I've always thought Ferrell was creepy, I don't see his appeal.  And for some reason, it really bothered me the way he was handling animals and the comments he was making.

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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl

@circles wrote:

I don't care for Colbert and never watch him...but my MSN page had a few sound bites from his show and that i just watched..i thought they were good...i am not a Will Farrell fan but his segment was pretty funny....the monolgue was cute and i only saw a small bit of Kelly which i liked, too...




Me, too Smiley Happy



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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl

We thought the Farrell segment was funny. What animal expert only has a one of a kind animal? I do think he was ad libbing some of it as the bit went on.


The hamster/gerbil was cute.


Tina Fey and that other person were promoting their latest film to be out soon.


Kelly was fine too. I thought the opening sequence with Colbert throwing the football to various people was funny.


Our President has a really great sense of humor.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl



I loved the football scene!  That was so well done.

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Re: Colbert After The Super Bowl

[ Edited ]

Like JustJazzMom I enjoyed the opening bit, especially with the president😊


I still miss Colbert's original show, along with Stewart's.