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What makes you thunk anyone puts up their tree in July?

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@Texasmouse ~ I know it sounds strange, but yes, that is what I plan to do.  My husband is Jewish so he doesn't celebrate Christmas anyway.  He only has celebrated it in the past because of me and my family.  This is something I have always wanted to do so I am looking at it as a sort of Christmas present to myself.  :-)

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Re: Christmas Tree

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I am all about the tree....we had a huge commercial-quality tree for became too much work for DH to bring it down from upstairs and set we donated it and bought a smaller one at Costco last year...10 feet and not as wide....I tried to get happy about it but it isn't the same....hopefully this year I can get excited about will only hold half of my kids don't want any of them and they have special meanings to me since most are heirlooms, so will try and find a way to display them this year instead of leaving in the box...mine tree usually goes up Thanksgiving evening and takes about a week to decorate...

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Registered: ‎02-11-2013

How do you leave it up for 3 months? Isn't the dust collecting all over the tree and you can't clean it as the ornaments will break. Just wondering? I do ours Thanksgiving weekend. In New York now it is too warm to consider setting up the tree-we still have our AC on!!!

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The Q put up their Christmas decorations last year at this time and now they have up a tree for the fashion day.


I think nice fall decorations would be very pretty this time of year, but evidently the Q doesnt.

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I have a travel friend who leaves her tree up all year. She lives in Texas. I live in N. WISC. where snow is coming soon. I spend Christmas alone. It was hard the first few years but got used to it as that is the way it is. I have no family . I also live with a dog who is my best friend. 


I have downsized as lost most everything in a flooded basement four years ago.  I donated my big tree  to a private school.Small items mostly and small trees is what I do for me.I  bought lit birch trees at Wal-Mart and liked them so much left them up all year on a timer. They lasted a couple of years and I bought some replacements this summer. They get some ornaments also during the holidays.

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I wait until December. Been doing tabletops now.

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Re: Christmas Tree

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It I have a friend who has a huge walk in closet....she leaves her decorated tree in it all year and the rolls it out on Thanksgiving night...ready to go. Her DH made a stand with wheels on it so it is easy to move...and it is a 12 footer! We get ours out usually Thanksgiving weekend and I try to have it finished with decorations by that Sunday. I mainly now do the tree for the grandkids since they enjoy it so much...

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Goes up Thanksgiving night and down before the sunsets on New Years Day at the latest.  Except in 1983 I was expecting and finally got it down on Jan. 15th, morning sickness all day long so why bother when it was so pretty.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Christmas Tree

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My white tree acquired c.2012 through Amazon turned _brown_ and last month I ordered a green tree I saw marked down and on Advance Order on the Q.  It is a Bethlehem Lights 5 footer.  (I downsized from 7'). 


It goes out on my patio, and I'll try to find a platform of about 1' so  I can look up to part of it. Half my house is glass, so it is visible from almost everywhere, just as much as if it were inside.


The Q tree is coming later this month, I think--and I will put it up then, partly to be sure the lights all work.   Smiley Happy