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Posts: 9
Registered: ‎07-17-2011

My Christmas tree TSV from September(Advanced order) IT  has not shipped yet.  I usually put up my tree the day after Thanksgiving. Think there will be any change it will be shipping out or should I cancel my order.?

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Posts: 8,199
Registered: ‎10-03-2014

Look on your order to see if QVC has a shipping date.  That would give you an idea when it should be shipped, but I'd give it a few days after that date.  It might say "week of."  


If it hasn't shipped yet, you won't get it for the day after Thanksgiving.  You also must think about possible delivery delays by UPS.  


If it's processing or in preparing your order, you won't be able to cancel it.  Maybe, the Social Team can do miracles for you in that case. 


Email at with your order number and explanation.  


Occasional Contributor
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎06-27-2016

I ordered the same tree in advance. I was checking back often. Then I noticed it no longer said shipping on Nov. 17th.  I called QVC Customer Service, and the Representative was very guarded.  I canceled my tree. I went to Amazon and was able to buy a National Tree...6 1/2 feet at a fraction of the price.  My tree has been delivered already.  I wish you luck.  Sorry!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,503
Registered: ‎03-19-2016

Wall Mart had beautiful trees and a fraction of the price. Big Lots are on sale. AND you can put it up Friday! 
  I would call QVC and complain because even it arrives the lights might not work, etc, 

                 🎄 ? 

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Posts: 12,663
Registered: ‎03-09-2010



Sadly, I would suggest Plan B -- especially when you are counting on a specific item and like mine orders lately, just states "advance" changes to "processing order" then 10 days it sits waiting for "pickup" and then takes at least 10 days to reach destination,


If this is the case, you'll not get the 🎄 until mid December.